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Chapter 1- A flash of green

For as long as he could remember, Harry Potter had always loved cold colours. His room was painted blue and green, in contrast of the suffocating warmth of red and gold in his twin's room. He also insisted on wearing cold colours everyday. James Potter had been shocked when he saw his son wear the Slytherin colors. To appease his father, Harry Potter grudgingly wore red twice per week.

While his favorite colour was blue, green stayed the most vividly in his mind. He supposed it had something to do with his brother, Fergus Potter, surviving the Killing Curse as a toddler. He was in the cradle adjacent to his twin's when Voldemort attacked them, so Harry thought he must have seen the spell up close. The colour green was also the colour of his eyes, ones often compared to his mother's. His eyes were a few shades more vivid, closer to the Killing Curse's color than the jade green his mother had. His twin inherited the bright hazel eyes of his father. They say eyes were windows to your soul. Harry often wondered how his soul looked like.

It was the twins' birthday and their father took the younger twin to play Quidditch. Harry stayed indoor due to his fear of height. He contented to explored more sections of the library instead. The Potters owned a large library with vast resources of information. The archives were rumored to contain ancient scrolls and spells lost to the rest of the world. The only other place to find such secret spells was the lost library of Alexandria. Harry, being a seeker of knowledge, had already perused more than half of the rare information available in the room during the 6 years he spent in Potter's Manor.

After the attack at Godric's Hallow, it was deemed safer to go back to the Manor. It had layers of wards impenetrable by the majority of the Wizarding community. Sometimes, as a baby, he could feel the whispers of archaic spells ghosting over his skin as he left the house. However, by the time of his first accidental magic, his connection with the spells was cut off completely. Harry spent some time researching on the matter, but he could not find anything. His distracted child mind soon moved to another subject.

Fergus Potter had been the first to show accidental magic at the age of 1 1/2. The Potters were ecstatic when they found him with the house cat he summoned from across the room. They praised him and decided that Dumbledore was correct, Fergus Potter was the Chosen One. A few months later, Harry Potter finally managed to turn his hair blond and summon a book a few shelves down in the library. James Potter was terrified for a moment that his son became a Malfoy, but he soon got over it. The Potters praised the older son as well, glad to have two magically talented children.

The young parents soon told the twins about Hogwarts and their adventures at school. They told them that at age 11, they will receive a Hogwarts letter. When they got to the school, they will be sorted into houses. The Potters encouraged the twins to get into Gryffindor. Fergus happily accepted their reasoning and became determined to be as brave and reckless as possible. Harry, on the other hand, thought that although both his parents were in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw suited him better and continued reading the heavy tomes in the library. Plus, he decided he will not live seven years in a dorm filled with colours that suffocates him.

Their parents' friends soon heard of their house choices. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, ruffled his hair and declared that he must take after Lily with that smart brain of his. Remus Lupin encouraged them both to follow the path they decided for themselves. On their birthday, the two presented the twins with a scarf for each of them, Ravenclaw colours for Harry, and Gryffindor colours for Fergus. Both boys were joyous and immediately hung the scarves with their jackets. They wore it the following winter, to the joy of the family.

This time, the twins were celebrating their 6th birthday. It was the first birthday where many of the Potters' friends and fans came over. After attempting to coax Harry out of the library, the Potters sighed as their efforts were in vain. Instead, they went back down to the living room where the birthday celebration was being held. Many young children surrounded Fergus with stars in their eyes, wanting to meet the famous Defeater of Voldemort. The parents cheerfully conversed among each other while watching the children play with caring eyes. Harry preferred written correspondence over spoken communication and kept himself locked in the library. Soon, it was time to cut the cake.

Dumbledore walked to the center of the room, and delivered a speech about the glory of the Boy-Who-Lived as well as how privileged they feel to be in the presence of the celebrity. Fergus blew the candles of his cake and the people resumed their celebration, dismissing the lack of presence of the older twin as him being down with a cold. After everyone left, Lily Potter realized his other son had not eaten yet and sent the house-elves to bring some cake and food up to the library while James took Fergus out to fly on his new toy broom. Harry contently ate his cake and continued reading the tale of the Three Brothers.

It was after that peaceful day that Harry's life changed completely.

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