Blue Magic

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Chapter 2: Blue Magic

As the day ended, the children went to bed, feeling pleased of their gifts they received during the day. While Fergus went straight to bed, Harry's chest throbbed, as if warning him from sleeping. He lied down, but tried to keep himself awake for his instinct has never failed him. In another world, Lily and James Potter were too busy that night to go check on the twins. However, this time, Harry's parents came early to say goodnight to their children. Seeing that one of the twins was not going to sleep, they chided him gently and urged him to at least rest for a few hours. Harry did what he was told. That decision changed his life.

When Harry closed his eyes and fell into the arms of Morpheus, the clock struck twelve and the magic surrounding him spiked up. As the adults left the room, pale blue wisps enveloped the child and triggered something within him. The grip on his plush toy slackened. Harry's breathing evened out and his spirit left his body.

The small sphere floated lightly out of his chest and started to spin slowly at first, picking more speed as it spun. The wisps of magic quickly joined the sphere and formed a small whirlwind of blue. It circled the body once before disappearing in a spark, leaving an unresponsive hull behind.

There was something strange with the house. The portraits felt it, the walls felt it, the trees outside felt it. The occupants of the house could feel it, deep in their subconscious. It was not particularly bad, nor was it good. The strangeness was simply there, everyone feeling its existence, none commenting on it. The unknown presence was particularly strong that day. The particularly powerful people could feel it within a hundred meters from the house. One such person was Albus Dumbledore.

As soon as he passed through the front gates of the manor, he could feel the strange presence inside it. It left him cautious and weary of this sensation that he could not pinpoint. It was only the lack of hostility from it that stopped him from investigating the source of it right away. As such, he simply mentioned that it would be best to hire a cursebreaker to make sure none of the ancient artifacts were projecting the feeling and were actually harmful to the manor's inhabitants. The elder Potters agreed wholeheartedly as many ancient Families such as the Potters and the Blacks possessed mysterious artifacts that were in fact dark objects.

The twins had gone to bed already and the headmaster felt free to discuss matters unsuited to the young, innocent ears. Most of the other guests had left, leaving only the former Order of the Phoenix members. After putting up a privacy charm, the Order began discussing about the status of former Death Eaters. The discussion led to late into the night and the moon was already high in the inky night sky, the numerous stars shimmering invisible to human eye.

Suddenly, a burst of magic alerted the Headmaster's senses. The magic seemed to come from upstairs. His frown did not go unnoticed by the other people in the room.

"There is something I need to make sure of," he addressed Lily and James Potter. "Would it be alright if I go see the twins?"

The Potters hesitated for a second, but assured that it would be fine as long as he does not wake up the children. Dumbledore smiled, but left the room as quickly as he can. The room was filled of chatter and whispered conversations. Minutes later, the old man came back, his visage grave. After an urgent look, the Potters followed him up to the elder twin's bedroom door which was wide open. They immediately felt that Harry's presence was missing from the room despite his body still lying peacefully in bed. In fact, the stillness of the room was alarming as the older twin was usually not such a heavy sleeper. The three adults slowly walked up to the bed.

Lily checked over him.

"Nothing is wrong physically, no wounds on him and he's still breathing. His magic reserve though, seemed to be deeply dried out." She said, looking slightly worried.

"Has this happened before?" Dumbledore inquired.

"He was always a quiet sleeper as a child but he would usually be fine in the morning."

Coming closer, he pulled out his wand and did a simple diagnostic charm on the child. The magic seemed to trigger something within Harry as a large gust of wind blew in from the open window and sparks of blue enveloped Harry's body. Harry mumbled something incomprehensible and his hand reached out for something invisible to the adults. His eyes were squeezed shut but traces of tears could be seen under the sheen of moonlight. The pale blue sparks turned into layers of white wind and surrounded the boy. It whirled around and around in steadily accelerating circles until it disappeared and a vaguely uneasy calm settled in the room. A lingering feeling of unknown wrongness kept brushing Dumbledore's magic. With a grim look on his face, he resolutely decided to send the twin away from the Chosen One as soon as possible.

In the next few weeks, a tense atmosphere had settled upon the household. Dumbledore came more often to the manor to discuss something with Harry's parents. The adults didn't talk as loudly as they usually did, Fergus went out more often, and Harry often had a look of concentration on his face. The older twin was found almost cooped up inside the library, running his finger along the pages of the books, and had a newfound interest in the books about runes. Something in his body was feeling more and more different from the rest of himself and he needed to figure out why before his parents noticed the change.

One day, the Potters pulled Harry away from the library and led him to their room. In soft reassuring voices, they told him that the young boy's magic was being affected by the increasing magical signatures inside the manor and that Dumbledore suggested that he spent some time in the Muggle World to recover his magical reserve. Harry was understandably upset, but his parents managed to convince him that it was like an extended vacation. After a long anger tantrum, Harry went to his room to pack his closest belongings. In a fit of mischief, he sneaked over to his parents' room and grabbed his father's invisibility cloak. Before leaving, he also went back to the Potter library and quickly ran his hand across every books in it. Unnoticed by others, a trail of runes followed his hands and seeped into his head. As the boy finished his task, he opened his eyes.

In the dim light of the library's corner, a pair of blue eyes shone with magic.

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