Bitter sweet <LJ x reader>

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L.J's  pov 

I was making my usual rounds and I was walking towards this little girl's house. Her nightmare should have been finished by now but when I had climbed up the side of the house I saw the little girl being held by whom I could only assume was her older sister. Her older sister was pretty she had (long/short) (h/c) hair and wore (f/c) pj's I sat there watching them.

"Aw (s/n) what's wrong"

"(y/n) I-I had a-a nightmare *sniffle*"

"Aw it's ok now *hugs* what was it about?"

"I-I was at this carnival a-and all the s-stuffed animals were hanging a-and my friend h-he was there h-he threatened to kill me *sniffle*" 

"Aw (s/n) I'm sorry it's ok. What friend?"

"laughing jack"

I saw (y/n) roll her eyes slightly then hold her sister close

"sis do you want me to sleep in your room?"

(s/n) nodded and (y/n) laid on the floor as her sister and her fell asleep I snuck in and waited after a while I saw (y/n) get up and go downstairs to get something and I decided I'd get rid of the girl I shook her awake ready to kill her 


She screamed and slapped me 

"(y/n)! help!" 

I stepped forward but I heard the door open quickly with a Pham!!! I turned to see (y/n) holding a knife her knife holding form impressed me she has it positioned so as to have a strong drive behind it. upon seeing me her eyes widened it was certain that (s/n) had told her about me

"y-you?! Your Laughing Jack!!!"

"Indeed my lady and you are?" 


She sounded confident about herself which considering she was going against an undefeated killer with a knife is impressive 

"Well I've got things to do so if you don't mind-" 

I moved towards her sister and she jumped at me slashing down my back I grimaced then let out a chuckle turning around grabbing her wrist and twisting it out of her hand I pulled a candy specifically filled with liquid that acts like a form of Chloroform I squeezed her jaw opening her mouth and I popped the candy into mouth and she slowly lost consciousness and I picked her up and carried her out the window leaving her younger sister be safe for now....

Bitter sweet (LJ x reader)Where stories live. Discover now