Suicidal~ A Liam Payne fan fiction

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My mom sat in the chair next to the hospital bed. I tried to commit suicide. She sobbed, her blue eyes bloodshot. "Mom" I forced myself to say, my voice coming out as a whisper. "Rose! why would you try that" she finally looks at me. "I just.... don't belong here" I had to search for the nicest words possible. "Yes, you do! We were going to tell you about how we got you tickets for a One Direction meet and greet, but now you need to know. You can bring Marie" she sobs. All the pain went away at those words. I loved One Direction since the X-Factor. All I had ever wanted were meet and greet tickets.

"Mom, can we go home now" I ask. There was no way in hell I was staying in this shitty hospital. "I just got done with the release forms" she fakes a smile. I get up and nearly fall over. I am dizzy and weak from all the loss of blood. My mom catches me and we walk into the lobby. "Rose! Did you hear the news?! We are going to meet One Direction" Marie squeals. I hug her and say yes. "Girls, that is this weekend. Will you be ready" my father

asks. We glance at each other and eagerly nod yes. Marie was an amazing friend. She has helped me through a lot. I just wish she could have helped me before I went to the hospital.

Mom hands the nurse my release form and we leave. At home, Marie helped me pick an outfit. "How about this" she asked, holding up a pair of shorty shorts. "Uh... ya that's fine" I mumble as I rummage through my closet. I find my favorite shirt, a screen shirt. It is hot pink and has black roses. "Now, let's decide on shoes" she says as she walks toward my closet. I nod and smile shyly when she picks out my One Direction vans that I got for Christmas.

We go downstairs and she asks if I can go to her house for a while. My parents cast sidelong glances at each other before reluctantly saying yes. I grab my house keys, I didn't feel like driving. "No bracelets" Marie asks. Oh, I forgot them in the house. I didn't want to go back inside. My parents might change their minds if I do. I shrug and quietly say "I guess not...." Marie's Taurus was fairly clean when I got in. We rode in silence, only the sound of the radio playing faintly in the background. I didn't know what to say. She pulls into her driveway and parks. I follow her up the steps to her house. "How about you do this" I ask, holding up a jean skirt. "Nah. Too dressy. How about some skinny jeans" she asks. I pull out my favorite pair of skinny jeans that she owns and toss them to her.

She smiled before replying slyly "These are my favorite. They make my ass look big. I'll be sure to catch a member's heart." I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. She rummages through her dresser. She was never as organized as me. Each drawer was file with random shit. She smiles when she pulls out a graphic tee that read 'I stayed UP ALL NIGHT with One Direction.' I loved that shirt. I smile and toss her a pair of light purple vans. "Drive me home" I ask her, hoping she would. it had started to pour and I didn't want to walk. She nods and throws on a hoodie. We ran to her car and still managed to get soaked. "Damn. Hopefully,this eases up by Saturday" Marie mumbled. I hope so too. There were only two days until Saturday. I got home and went to the bathroom.

I needed to get a shower. The dried blood from my failed suicide attempt was all over my wrist. I quickly got out of my clothes and got in the hot shower. After the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and go to my bedroom. I grab my pajamas and change. Tomorrow was Friday! One thought made me dread it. Did they hear about my suicide attempt? I hoped not. The next day I forced myself out of bed. I threw on sweats and a long sleeve. I slide on my many bracelets and head down stairs. At school a popular girl walks up and says "Oh my name is Rose an I try to kill myself so I can get attention." I force back the tears and pay closer attention to the teacher. If I survive this day ill get to meet the boys. I managed to survive and had Marie stay the night. The next morning, we woke up at six. "Let me do your hair and makeup" Marie demands. I reluctantly allow her.

She puts light makeup on me, except for my lips. My hair looks tousled and I love how it looks. I get to do her hair and makeup. We decided that I wouldn't put on a bracelet or jacket. I'd just go as who I really am. "I am so jealous of your hair it's gorgeous" Marie complements me as she does my hair. It was a typical color. A light brown. I grab my outfit and put it on. "Damn. Someone looks sexy. You look like you're ready to break some hearts" Marie teases. Her light mood eases my tension a little. I am very nervous. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of my heroes.

I have Marie sit in front of me as I braid her brown hair. I apply her makeup and she gets dressed. We want to be there early so we leave. On our way we stop at McDonald's and get breakfast. We got to our destination. We weren't the only ones who arrived early. I felt insecure, all these girls could be models and I can't. Marie senses my tension and says "You look fine." I give her a weak smile. After what seemed like forever it was our time to meet the boys.

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