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gray's P.o.v

she said something under her breathe but I didn't quite hear her, honestly today's gonna be hard, trying not to look at her cleavage it's just so out there...

the bus arrived at school and i can see she was tensing up and getting a bit nervous, I mean she had no bra on, if I were a girl and had no bra I reckon I would be nervous and get scared to see what people say but i'm not a girl and I don't wear bras so I don't want to imagine me as a girl, too late already am.

'Grayson can I borrow your jumper'
she grabs hold of me and looks into my eyes, oh god I really love her when she does that, with her big beautiful eyes, which make me give into anything.

I started taking off my jumper.

your P.o.v

I asked for grayson's jumper because I realised I wasn't comfortable not wearing a bra and everyone staring at me, I know I seemed all confident on the outside but on the inside I just want to hide. he started taking off his jumper and his shirt lifted up while he was taking it off, showing off his abs making me weak to my knees.

'thanks bup'
I hugged him after putting on the jumper.

'no problem babe'
he kissed me on the forehead, i'm guessing he knows that I don't want to kiss unless it's special.

as much as I think of kissing him I can't do it, something in me tells me I can't it's not something i'm choosing to do, someone or something inside of me is telling me I can't, I don't want to but I do, I don't need to but I do, I can't have him but I do, out of every girl in this school he chooses me and he could easily get with the other girls because they all want the Internet superstar Grayson and Ethan too, but somehow I got Grayson, i always wonder why he is going out with me, we're only in high school, it's not like he actually loves me as much as I think he does, I know i'm gonna have to through the pain once he dumps me because I know I'll get dumped, it's gonna be the worst feeling in my whole life.

the bell rings for first period which i'm not that excited about because I have math and it's not with Grayson, but it is with Ethan and he's like a brother to me so I'll just sit next to him today.

in Math sitting next to Ethan talking to him about question 7 cause I don't quite understand it, I never understood math, it's all about numbers and symbols and even some letter here and there, all I need to know is division, addition, subtraction and multiplication.

'I honestly don't get this at all'
I chuck my pen on the table in frustration.

'hey don't get angry'
he rubs my back calming me down.
'you can do it, you just need a little help'
he added on.

'fine but I still don't get it'
I picked up my pen.

'see how it's says "A x 16 =  48" ?'
he pointed at the question.

I blinked really slowly.

'well all you gotta do is divide it, as is get rid of the "A" and do the equation "48 divided by 16" which equals 3'
he explained.

still not having no clue I write down the answer, I keep writing down some of the answers to the questions and start to get the hang of it.

'would you look at that'
he said smiling and nudging me in the shoulder.

'shut up'
I giggled and nudged him back.

'aye I was the one who helped you'
he winked.

'true and thank you'
I smiled.

we got back to work because the teacher started walking around near our table.

the bell goes for lunch I get up and head out. I walk around trying to find Grayson, I see him sitting alone eating a sandwich.

I walk up next to him and sit down and started to open up my juice box.

'hey boobiful'
he looks then winks at me.

'Ha ha, very funny'
I nudge him in the should while he causes me to giggle.

'you're cute when you giggle'
a smile grew upon his face.

'you're cute everyday'
I squeeze his cheeks.

'not as cute as you'
he squeezes mine.

'ew gross'
we heard as two people sat at our table.

I turn to see it was only Ethan and Emma, how cute are they.

'i'm just kidding'
she laughs.

'you's two a couple now bro?'
Grayson questioned.

'yeah they are'
I smirked.

smiles grew upon there faces from ear to ear, they were in love. I want something like that, wait I do. but they kiss...

'do you guys kiss?'
Gray keeps asking questions.

they kissed right in front of us just after he said it.

'never mind'
he went back to eating.

'ew gross'
I mocked Emma for what she said to me and gray.

they broke their kiss and laughed.

'why can't we do that?'
gray pouts, he seems to always do this cause it always gets an affect on me.

'cause my lips are a virgin'
I said as a joke.

'I'll stop that soon'
he winks and licks his lips.

I wish I could kiss you, what is stopping me...

I went in for a kiss and I could see his face leaning in for one too, I tilt my head down and take a bite out of his food then sit back up in my seat right.

'God I was so hungry'
I said rubbing my tummy

'you little nugget'
he crossed his arms
'I should've known, you always do this'

I want to kiss you so badly, I can't, I just can't...

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