Chapter 3

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Hey so here I am with the next section of IYWMD. This one and the ones following will focus on L and Elizabeth during the early stages of the Kira case. Love you guys!! Enjoy!

Yours crazily,


(2 years later) Elizabeth is 12 years old:


"Ok, ok. How about this one. Would you rather have to stand on your head for a week, or have it rain every time you went outside?" L glanced up from his laptop.

"Seeing as neither is completely logical or probable..." He looked at Elizabeth with a small smile. "The rain definitely."

Elizabeth grinned. "Of course you'd pick that, you love the rain!"

L shrugged. "Maybe, but-"

His laptop beeped and he turned back towards the screen just as a formal 'W' appeared on the monitor.

"L, the police are having a debate. Is this where you would like me to reveal the fact that you will work on this case as well?" L turned on the microphone on the computer and scooted to face it fully, his face serious.

"Yes, Watari. Please bring the laptop and webcam to the front of the room. I need to be able to see them."


The 'W' disappeared and the audible click of the speakers turning off could be heard. L turned to the young blonde.

"Elizabeth, I-"

"You're taking the Kira case aren't you?" L huffed a little at being interrupted, but nodded once in reply.

"Well, ok. Be careful... please?" She looked at the detective with wide eyes. "Promise?"

Ruffling her long blonde hair, L chuckled lightly. "Of course. I promise."

Elizabeth frowned, and fiddled with her hair, attempting to fix it. "Alright, alright. I get it. Can I go make some cookies?"

L swung over and stuck his face very close to hers. "Yes." He said firmly. She flinched slightly, but then laughed.

"But only if I put strawberries on the side, right?"

"There is little chance that I would ask for anything else."

"Ok! I'll bring them over when they're done."

L brought the computer back from sleep mode and continued his incessant typing and studying of case files.

"There he goes, back into his own little world." Lizzy muttered softly to herself , stepping into the hotel suite's kitchen.

"I heard that!" Came the call from the living room.

Smiling, she put on some headphones, and, rocking out to her favorite bands, she turned on the oven. L's thing may be cake and strawberries, but her's was music. A good bass line and a solid drum or guitar solo was all she needed in life. The lyrics that made sense and she could relate to, now that's where it's at for her.

She could hear L speaking to the police through the computer, and their responses, which sounded more like sounds of surprise than actual words. They became more and more dumbfounded the more L explained his crazy plan.

Now that she thought about it, Lizzy didn't actually know L was, well, L until about a year and a half ago. She had walked in on him while he was on his laptop. She had known for a while that Ryuzaki- as she'd known him before- was hiding something from her. It wasn't like he was bad at hiding it, quite the opposite, she just knew what to look for. So she decided to ask him until he spilled. That didn't go well, and he never answered her questions, but it did give her an excuse to talk to him. He didn't really like to be bothered when he was on the computer. Granted, it took her a while to warm up to him and actually try to talk to him, but that's beside the point. Now it's easier for her to talk to him and not worry about whether she was breaking any rules. Being the antisocial, human-phobic -or whatever- girl she was, life was a little difficult so she relied on the current popular music to keep her up to date. She still didn't enjoy talking to woman, or other girls for that matter, but it was tolerable with men like L and Watari.

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