Chapter 5

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Hey. I started writing this chapter right after I published the last one, so hopefully it'll be up sooner than two months. >.<

*EDIT* I'm an awful human being and I apologize for my existence. I've let you all down by not updating and I'm so sorry..

I'll admit though, this chapter was a lot harder to start than I thought. Ending that last one really cut my train of thought off. Maybe next time I'll just make a ...SUPER CHAPTER. *cue dramatic music*

Also, note that this story is completely unbeta-ed, so all mistakes and misspellings are entirely my own.

P.S. I changed Elizabeth's age from ten to twelve. It fits my storyline better, and puts her closer to a more appropriate age for certain things leading up to the blooming romance I'm hoping to achieve between her and Near. ;D


"Got any new cases?"

"Not currently. However, do you remember the triple murder case I had two weeks ago?"

"Yeah. Did you solve it?"

Near's lips curled into a smug smile. "Of course. As if I'd let someone like that roam the streets of Seattle."

Elizabeth grinned in reply. "Well, they can't all be long, drawn out cases, can they?"

He shrugged. "I'll admit it's... tedious keeping my schoolwork and cases separate. Mello seems insistent on distracting me at every turn," Near added distractedly, thumbing at his lip where a faint scar could be seen against his pale complexion.

Elizabeth couldn't help noticing how much he opened up around her. The sheer number of walls he put up against other people for fear of them seeing his emotions were overwhelming. She felt a pang of sadness for him, but also a sliver of satisfaction at being the only person he could truly talk to.

"Something the matter?" She snapped out if her reverie and her head jerked up from her gaze on the floor. "No, nothing's wrong. Just thinking."

"What a novel idea. Thinking." Near deadpanned.

"Yeah, you should try it sometime." Elizabeth leaned back and settled her head against the wall. Outside her door, she hear the sound of doors closing and parting words being exchanged. "I think that's my cue."

Near tipped his head to the side in the smallest display of his slight confusion. "Have you been given a task for L's case?"

She snorted derisively. "As if. He doesn't want me anywhere near it. Says it's dangerous."

"The Kira case." It wasn't a question.

"Yes." She didn't bother asking how he knew. If he really wanted to, he could find out her room's exact dimensions without getting up.

"Apparently 'too dangerous', and 'not practical', don't apply to him. He won't even let me outside to see the people he'll be working with." Elizabeth sighed dramatically. "And to think, he's finally socializing and I don't even get to see it!"

"... He's not incorrect in his assumption of the level of danger."

"But you aren't denying he's being difficult."

Near reached off-screen and brought a small doll into view, standing it up next to a small soldier. "I'm not denying or implying anything. I'm simply stating that if something were to happen, it would not end well for either of you." Using one finger, Near slowly tipped the smiling doll over and watched it lightly hit the ground at the feet of the soldier.

It might have been the less-than-good quality of the screen, but to Elizabeth the soldier looked almost...forlorn.

She shook off the awful feeling of dread as she heard her name called from outside the door. "I've got to go. Later, yeah?"

Near dipped his head slightly and his eyes softened. "Of course."


"I want in."

"...Pardon?" L looked up in alarm at the figure entering the living room where he perched.

"I would like to be a part of the Kira case." Lizzy said firmly, setting her hands on hips lightly.

"Absolutely not." The raven-haired man returned his attention to the screen of the laptop in front of him, effectively ending the conversation. This was evasive behavior, Lizzy thought, and she was having none of it. "I know what you're thinking, and I am not evading the topic. I denied your request and now I request we leave it at that."

"And I politely decline. Who's your suspect?"

L raised his eyebrows slightly, gazing intently at her fidgeting figure and ignoring her question. "You've been speaking with Near."

"Well yeah, not much else I could've done. You kinda locked me in my room." L looked appalled (as he could) at the assumption.

"I did no such thing. The room was open, if you had bothered to check. I just rathered you not leave the room." He raised his head slightly and steepled his fingers under his chin, pondering something only he could percieve. "Perhaps...perhaps you could be useful."

"Gee, thanks," she muttered under her breath, despite her spike in excitement. "I'm flattered."

"Do you know anything of the FBI's involvement with our affairs?" Affairs, like Japanese affairs, Lizzy assumed. Police affairs.

"No, but I could find out." She grinned slightly, grabbing a laptop from the couch L sat on. "What specifically do you need?"

"Anything and everything."


Sorry for being an awful person, for the short chapter, and the horrifically long wait. I had a rough year, and didn't have the motivation or time to pump out a chapter. I'll get the next one up ASAHP if you all promise to pester me endlessly about it. Seriously, I'll need the reminders. :)

Stay crazy my friends,


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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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