Chapter Seven

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My eyes fluttered open as I felt a large hand on my waist. Who the hell was I sleeping with? I asked myself as my eyes started wandering the room. Wait. This is Sam's room. Why am I in Sam's room? And why is his hand on my waist? What happened last night? I turn and face Sam's face. The soft light coming from the little lamp on his desk, was hitting his face right. MMM. His face looked so soft. His lips. Oh god those lips. Soft, perfect, puffy, pink things, looked so kissable. I want to kiss him so bad, right now.

Smirking, I place my lips on Sam's, his soft lips. Feeling hands wrap around my waist, I get pulled on top of Sam. I pull back and look at Sam. He had a smirk on his face. Oh dear god. What did I get myself into? I asked myself as I kissed Sam again. Moving our lips together and in sync, Sam's left hand trailed down and grabbed a hold of my ass cheek. Moaning softly, I sucked on his bottom lip, earning a moan from him.

"So, um. This is awkward, but Dean wants you to in the study." Castiel says as he pulls the covers off of Sam and I.

"Thank you, Cas." Sam says as he looks at him.

"Welcome." Cas leaves the room.

"Well, looks like Dean might have something." I say softly.

"Yeah. We better get up there." Sam winks,

I sit up on him as my eyes start to wander down his chest. His perfect tan chest with his six pack. Oh god, I might be drooling. Sam chuckles as he pulls me out my thoughts. I climb off him and sit on the end of the bed. He stands up and walks in front of me. Turning, he looks at me.

"It wouldn't be bad if we were a few minutes late." Sam winks as he kiss me, softly.

I kiss back as I pull him closer. Sam pushes me back on the bed, grinding into me. I moan softly as someone clears their throat. Pulling away, I look up at Dean. I groan.

"Man. What the hell do you want?" Sam asks as he sits next to me.

"I just wanted to ask what you guys wanted for breakfast." Dean says as he looks at me.

"I don't want anything. Amber?"

"No. I'm good." I say looking at Sam.

Dean nods and leaves, closing the door. Sam kisses me softly. Kissing back, he lays me on the bed, again. He moves his lips from mine and onto my neck, latching on. As Sam sucks and bites my neck, moans flowed out of my mouth. He pulled back, looking at the mark he made on my neck, which was visible.

"Dean really likes to ruin moments for us." Sam said as he stands up.

"Yeah. He sure does." I saw as my hands down his front to the top of his pants, "Wait, when did you put pants on?"

"I fell asleep wearing them." Sam chuckles and he picks me up.

I look into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes make me melt, but as much as his lips do. I look down at his lips as I bite my lip. I hear Sam chuckle as he kisses my cheek. Blushing a little bit, I stand up and look at him.

"Maybe you should put a shirt on." I bite my lip as I look at him.

Sam nods as he walks to a pile of clean of clothes. He tossed me one of his shirts as he grabbed one for himself. I take off the shirt I was wearing and slide on the shirt that Sam tossed at me. Glancing over to wear Sam s standing, I catch him staring at me.

Blushing, I ask softly, "Y-yes?"

"Oh nothing. You just look beautiful without that shirt on, but you look hot with my shirt on." Sam winks as he walks over to me.

"Thank you." I blush and look down. Sam lifts my my chin and places his lips on mine. I lean into the kiss more as he pulls me close.

"Hey guys. Just wondering if you two are together or not." Castiel asks as he taps my shoulder. Sam and I pull back and look at him.

"Why do you and Dean like to interrupt us?" Sam asks softly, "And yes. Well, no. I haven't asked her out. I have just been kissing her."

"Oh. Ok." Cas leaves the room as I look at Sam.

Sam kisses me, again. Kissing back, I wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Oh god! This is the best thing in the world! Kissing Sam, my favorite person in the world! I can't believe I fell asleep in his bed. Or maybe when I fell asleep in the car, he brought me into his room because he can. Or at least I think he did.

While I was thinking, mine and Sam's shirts were on the floor. I don't know when that happened, but it happened. Sam pull back from the kiss and stares at my chest. He unhooks my bra, throws it onto the floor, and stares at my breasts. His eyes go big as he runs his fingers over them, earning a moan from me. Sam latches his lips around my nipples, sucking and biting softly. I moaned as I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling lightly, earning a groan from Sam. He pulled back as a knock was made on the door.

Sam hands me a shirt, putting it on, he opens the door. Sam groans, "Yes Dean?"

"Nothing. You guys can finish with what you guys were doing. Just wanted to tell you that I am home." Dean says as he looks at the both of us. I nod. Sam closes his door.

Turning back around, Sam looks at me, then the shirt. Taking it off, I look at him. Sam smirks, gripping my waist, pulling me close. As I moan, I get pulled into Sam, more than what I was. He places his lips on mine, kissing me so passionately. I kiss back as his hands start to roam down my waist, to the top of my shorts.

"Sam. Maybe we should wait." I pull back and look at him.

"You're right." Sam smiles softly, but had hurt in his eyes.

"It is not because I don't want to, because I do, but we need go on dates first."

"So you are saying you will be my girlfriend, or just be friends until our first date?"

"First date, Sammy." Sam chuckles softly, handing me my bra and my shirt back. I kiss his cheek softly.

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