Chapter Twelve

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"Hey Dean?" I asked in a low voice, only low enough for him to hear.

"Yeah?" Dean asked as he glanced over to me, then back to the road.

"Do you think Sam and I should just be friends? I mean, it seems like he doesn't really want to talk to me anymore. Ever since we started dating, we haven't really said a word to each other. We have, but not a lot. We don't really do much either." My eyes fall to my lap as I feel my cheeks heating up at the thought of Sma and I just being friends again.

"Well, Amber, I know how much you love Sam and have always wanted to be with him. I know how much Sam only liked you as a sister and didn't want you more than a sister. He just has to get used to you, that is all. He hasn't really loved anyone after Jessica. He didn't think it was fair for her to be killed the way she was. He just doesn't want that to happen to you. I know he loves and cares about you, they way you love and care about him. He really just doesn't want you to be hurt in anyway. Number why reason he never wanted to date you." Dean explained as he pulled into the driveway of their den.

Nodding slightly, I shake Sam, informing him that we were home. With Sam being slow about getting up and out of the car, I scooted over to the drivers side and climbed out, walking into the house, not waiting for Sam. Walking down the steps, towards the kitchen, my eyes caught a light brown trench coat. I smiled softly as I saw Dean walking up to Castiel, handing him something small. I shrugged, walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottled water. As I opened it, I felt arms snake around my waist, indicating that Sam finally decided to get his ass up and come inside.

"I heard what you and Dena were talking about in the car, Amber." Sam whispers as he lets go of me, having anger in his voice.. Sam just called me Amber and he sounded angry.

"What do you mean?" I ask before taking taking a drink of my water.

"Don't play dumb. You and I both know that I love you, so why did you bring it up with Dean? He is the worst in keeping something like that quiet and you know that. So why, why bring him in this?"

"I wanted his opinion on it. Only because I wanted him to explain somethings that you were not telling me. You know, every since we started dating-"

"We haven't really talked much. I know, I heard you tell that to Dean." Sam cut me off as he looked dead in my eyes, "When we were just friends, we talked more than we should have."

My eyes fell to the floor as I thought about saying the three or six dreadful words, in the world. Should I tell him or should I just play it cool for a while and see how it goes. I don't know. Maybe I should talk to my new best friend, Seth. I bet he can help me with my situation. Or Zack. I might just text Seth about it. I bet he could make me feel better.

"I'm going to my room." I say as I walk out, walking past Dean and Castiel, walking down the hall, and into my room, closing the door behind me, grabbing my phone and sending a message to Seth.

Me (to Seth): Hey.... Are you busy??

Seth (to me): No. Is everything about, love?

Me: No, nothing is ok.

Seth: What's wrong?

Me: I don't think Sam wants to be with me anymore. Every since we started dating, he hasn't talked to me. I'm scared. I don't know if I should tell him we should break or just wait a couple of days before I do anything. Seth, I don't know what to do.

Seth: Maybe you two should break it off, until he knows where he wants to be. If he really wants to be with you or not.You just need to let him think about it. I understand that when you two started dating, he wasn't really involved in the relationship, but sometimes you need to let go. It might hurt, but you can always find someone, like a fuck buddy (me).

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