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Your P.O.V
I saw that Ross posted the video. He titled it 'Welcome Y/N', and watched it from his point of view. I got to the end and I saw me and Max from when we were chilling on the couch. He whispered, "I ship it. Comment a ship name for Y/N and Max. See ye later and stay rossome. Buh-Byyyyeeeeee." "ROSS! YOU ARE DEAD!"
Ross's P.O.V
I was making a vlog for Adam and I here Y/N yell, "ROSS! YOU ARE DEAD!". Shit! She saw the video.
Max's P.O.V
I was making Mac & Cheese (don't kill meh plez XD) and I heard Y/N yell, "ROSS! YOU ARE DEAD!" What did Ross do now? "What's up Y/N and why are you going to kill Ross?" She showed me the end of the video and I stormed out and looked for Ross. "ROSS, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" All the sudden I hear Y/N crying from the bathroom.
Your P.O.V
I started crying when Max left the room. I walked to the bathroom with my 'makeup' bag which held my friend the razor blade. (Quit reading now if you don't like graphic scenes. Or don't I can't control you). I locked the door and I turned on the hot water. I took out my blade and felt the coolness of it on my finger tips. About mid forearm I started cutting. While cutting I thought of reasons for each cut. You are ugly 1, You are fat 2, You don't deserve to live 3, No one loves or cares about you 4, You are stupid 5, You don't deserve your family or friends 6, You hurt everyone 7, It would be better if you were off of this planet 8, No one needs you 9, You should die 10, You're worthless 11. On the eleventh cut I stuck my arm underneath the burning water. It stung but it is what I deserve for living. (If you skipped you can start reading again)
Max's P.O.V
I heard the water turn off in the bathroom and Y/N crying. I knocked on the door, "Y/N can you please open the door..." No answer "Y/N please let me in I have the key if I have to use it..."
Your P.O.V
I heard knocking on the door..., "Y/N can you please open the door..." It's Max! I quickly started vleaning up my arms and didn't answer. "Y/N please let me in. I have the key if I have to use it..." Shit shit shit shit I know he will use it. Lord help me that I get bandaged up in time. "Y/N please don't make me count to ten..." SHIT IM SCREWED
Max's P.O.V
"Y/N please don't make me count to ten..." I hear heavy breathing "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9..." I hesitate "Te-Ten. OK Y/N I'm coming in"
Your P.O.V
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9..." he hesitated "Te-Ten. OK Y/N I'm coming in." SHIT! He came in and saw me on the floor with tear stained cheeks and blood seeping through my sweatshirt. I could tell in his face that he knew what I did. "Why N/N? Why?!" ".....Please don't tell anyone!? Please Please Please!!!....." "Can I tell someone who might help you get over your depression" he asked like a worried brother. How did he know I had..... Whelp he know I cut my self and I hid the razor blade so I'm not going to question much. "Who?" "Adam" he whispered "........How can he help me?" I asked not meaning in to sound rude. "He dealt with depression when we were younger" he said still whispering
Max's P.O.V
Me and Adam were at his house and he excused himself to the bathroom. I waited for a half hour, and he didn't come out. I went to check on him and he was passed out on the floor surrounded by a medium sized puddle of blood. I yelled for his adoptive mother and father and they called 911 and said that they were driving him to the hospital. They said I could come because I was like a son to them and a brother to Adam. They interrogated me to see if I knew anything about it. I was so scared so I convinced Adam to try not to do it. He listened...for awhile
End of FlashBack
Your P.O.V
I'm going to let Max tell Adam so he can help me control my depression and negative emotions. I trust him, right?

See ye later my miners and don't forget to show the world that you can build🛠🔨⚒⛏

(A lot of editing)

My red haired angel (Max x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now