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You're pathetic. You're a murderer. You are noting but a deceitful snake.

Go ahead walk out that door, walk away like I was nothing.

Go be with your deceitful drama queen of a girlfriend, you both make a terrific couple.

You lied to me, you always lie to me.

How have I not learned from this, yet?

You promised, you promised you wouldn't leave me.

I call bullshit.

You lied, everything that spews from your mouth are lies.

Get away! I can't be near you.

I don't want to breathe the same air as you.

You promised you wouldn't tell anyone, I regret saying I love you.

I regret saying I love you just to have you throw it back into my face.

From a young age, I couldn't stand a liar.

I can't stand you, you need to walk out of that door and not look back.

I want to spit in your face.  I want you to disappear.

No only did you murder my heart and my self confidence, you played me, betrayed me, and stabbed me in the back.

Most importantly you lied to me.

Get out! You pathetic, good for nothing, poor excuse for a man,


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