Chapter Three

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We laughed as we ran inside of the house, in the rush and adrenaline of beating our parents home. We both ran up stairs toward our rooms. "I'm gonna take a shower." I told Mike.

"Good thinking."

I turned the shower on in the bathroom and went into my room to get me some clothes to wear. I smiled thinking about the fun I had.  Then frowned.  The fun I'll never have again.  My mind decided to tell me.  I quickly took that off of my mind.  Me and Mike can sneak out when ever we want.

I went to the shower and got undressed and in the shower.  I moaned peacefully as I felt the hot water hit my skin.  I love the sweet sensation of warm water when it hits my bare dry skin.  I then began to slide the soap on my arms to begin the lathering.  Then a picture of a familiar face pooped into my head as I put the soap suds around my middle region.  "Mmm...Mike."

"What!"  I heard Mike yell out. My eyes widened and I realized exactly what I was doing.  I was fantasizing over my brother.  What the fuck.  This isn't the first time that this happened.  What's wrong with me.  "Vic, did you call me."

"Uh"  I paused for a quick second.  "No. Yes. I don't kno- I think you're hearing things."

"You're probably right.  Hurry up so I can get in."  So he can put his big c-

I stopped my thoughts before it finished.  Stop it mind.  You're not supposed to think like that.  I looked down at my legs to wash them but then I saw that my mind caused more damage than expected.  I bit my bottom lip.  I washed the rest of me quickly then got out the shower and turned off the water.  I didn't do, you know what, because  Mike was probably still-  I opened the door when I got my pajamas on and I saw Mike.  Standing by the door.  With a smirk on his face.  My face instantly blushed.  What is he smiling for.  I looked down and pushed him out of the way.  "Outta the way Smirky."

I went straight into my room then closed the door.  I waited a couple of seconds and saw that the problem was still there and it was actually, f-ing killing me.

I opened the door slowly just enough to see the bathroom door.  The shower was running and he wasn't there.  I quickly shut the door and locked it.  Okay.  Now time to make this go away.

"I'll help you make it go away." Mike's voice spoke to me.  I Felt his presence behind me.

I made a soft moan.  My mind is playing tricks on me, I know.  But...

"Maybe if I just..."  His hand went through my pants and touched my mid region area.


"Shh, darling.  Don't say such bad words.  They're not fitting for a pretty mouth like yours."

I nodded.  

He started pumping me and I could feel him.  His lukewarm lips kissing my skin.  It made me moan even more.  

"M-Mikey!"  I yelled as he stroke me even faster.  I could feel the fluids in me build up and I was about to explode.  "Please, Mikey, faster!"

"Anything for my darling."  He licked behind my ear and pumped faster then I ejaculated.  

I let out a loud one last moan with Mike's name being said.  Every bit of fluid on my body from my torso to my face.

"Sexy..."  I heard Mike's voice say before his presence vanished.  

I furiously blinked from bliss and saw that I managed to have all of my clothes off and I was sitting on the floor by my door.  "What did I just do."  I wondered how in the hell was I going to clean up this mess with Mike in the bathroom  I looked beside my clothes and saw that my dry towel was beside them.

I quickly cleaned myself up.  When I got done and dressed, I looked out the door Mike just walked out of the shower. I blushed as I admired his bare tan wet skin. I closed my door quietly and walked to my bed.


I was still panting after I got done with my business.  I  layer my back and head against the shower walls as the water splashed in my face.  This has been the fourth time that I had got off.  Not only that, but because of my brother as well.  Shit, I thought he was so sexy the way he was dancing. 

I fucking cursed myself.  It's fucking wrong to find yourself attracted to your brother.  But he sexy though. My mind thought to itself.  I agreed and got out of the shower, turning off the water.

I took a dry towel and wrapped it around my waste and walked out the bathroom.  I could've sworn I felt some one watching me so I looked at Vic's door, but no one was there.

I walked over by his door, which was beside my room.  "Goodnight, Vic."  I didn't get a response, but at the same time, I didn't expect one.  He was a sleeping little angel.

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