Chapter Fifteen

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Ever since dad left, neither me nor Vic left the room. He was still crying. "This is all my fault." He said for about the tenth time.

I continued rubbing my hand on his back to calm him down. "Baby it's not your fault."

"But it is!" He pulled away from me. "I told myself that I didn't love him. Because he didn't accept us. I was a total dick to him afterwards! It's all my fault. Everything that happened is my fault. Even us being couped up in this house. I shouldn't have brought that dumb lighter with me. I shouldn't have wondered off." He put his legs up in front of his chest and hugged them. "It's all my fault." He said with tears leaving his eyes.

"That's what happened?" I thought about what he said. I knew that it was something Vic did because mum said. She just didn't specify what it was. "Wait, did you say lighter?" I thought about some of the words I heard mum yell at dad.

He nodded. "Vic, baby get up." I said getting out of the bed.

"What are we doing?" He asked raising his head up.

I grabbed his hand. "We are going to talk to mum about Nicholas."

"Why? Can't I just be sad and let it go. I don't care about him anymore."

"Darling, I think Nicholas is the true reason why were in here." I said holding his hand as we walked out of my room. "Mum said dad's the reason why were in here and something about a fire. Something must have happened here."

I went down stairs to the living room, not letting go of Vic's hand. "Mum!"

Mum turned around from the window she was staring out of. Her eyes were red. She was still crying. She wiped her tears. "What is it?"

"Who's Nicholas?"

The question didn't seem to phase her. She almost seemed out of it. "Mum?" Vic asked. "Are you okay?"

She blinked and looked back at me and Vic. She nodded and leaned her head towards the couches signaling us to sit down. Me and Vic both did as we were told. "Nicholas is, or was your brother."

"He's dead?" Vic asked horrified. That explains why we haven't seen him.

Mum silently nodded. "What did dad do?" I asked. That's when her breath hitched. I could tell she didn't want to speak anymore, but she had to.

"Mum, what did dad do to Nicholas?"

She sighed, but she told the story. "Before you two were even born me and your dad had another child. Nicholas. He was our first born. We loved him with all our hearts. One day, we were gonna go on vacation, but I needed to get something for the car before we all left out. I went to the store. I told your dad to watch him. He did, but then he left. When I came back home I didn't see his car so I thought he took Nicholas out somewhere. When I came close to the house I smelt smoke coming from inside it. I went inside and the kitchen was on fire.

"I tried putting out t he fire but it was too strong. I called the fire department and when they cleaned out the fire they said there was a body left in the oven."

My eyes widened in horror. "H-he, he was in the oven?"

More tears were leaving her face and I sort of felt bad for asking her about this, but then I realised if we can find our what happened maybe a lot of good would come out of it. Like we could go out more and stuff. Even though I don't think any of us would want to go out right now.

She nodded. "Mmhm, Th-they said that when they found him, they said that all that was left was the bone with little flesh." She paused and started crying.

"Mum." Vic said with a trembling voice. He was crying too. I think we all were, but mum was crying the most. Vic came to her and hugged me her. "It's okay," Vic said through sniffles, "you don't have to tell us anymore."

I walked over to help calm down as well. She raised her head up and cleaned her face with her hands, even though it was pointless because more tears flowed. "N-no. I must finish telling you this. This is actually something I didn't know, and why me and your father got into an argument in the first place. You see before yesterday, I lost my memory of what exactly happened. I just knew theater Nicholas had died in a fire and we buried him.

"After the police did a CSI they arrested your father for child neglection. We got him out on bail, but I was still angry at him, for what happened to our son. When we were driving home we were both yelling, well more of him yelling and him making dumb excuses about everything. I wasn't watching the road. I was just driving and a car came in front of us and I pressed the breaks. It was too late. The accident happened.

"Your dad was fine because his air bag went off. He just needed a few stitches, but I had the serious damage. My face was cut with mini shards of glass and my head was bruised. My left arm was even broken. When I woke up, I couldn't remember anything, but then the more days I was in the hospital and the more I remember everything, or at least I thought I remembered everything.

"Your dad lied to me. He said that there was an explosion in the kitchen. He said I was making dinner and I left a glass bottle by the stove. Then he said I was watching the television and Nicholas just walked in on the oven. He said when I got up to go check up on the food, and right before I reached the kitchen, the glass hit the fire stove and blew it up." Mum paused and I could feel the anger rising in her voice. "He told the doctors not to tell me how I got into the hospital." She paused again and I felt total hatred for our father. How could he do such a thing? "He was able to lie to me about it so easily. It's like he planned it from the beginning you know. Twenty years filled with nothing but lies. He made me feel as if it were my fault the whole time.

"He was never going to tell me about it. He had no intention of it. I had to figure it out when I went to our checking account and saw a huge amount of money taken out of it. It went I to auto insurance. A big debt that wasn't paid off, because he let it raise up so high over the pass years. I called the insurance company because I didn't know anything about it. They told me it was because of the car wreck that happened. I remembered it immediately. It was like a whack to the head with a board. It hurt, terribly. I just couldn't see how he could do that.

"So yes, Mike, he's gone. He's not coming back."

Me and Vic were probably on the same terms as us agreeing with mum's decision. Mum pulled us both in for a hug. "You two are all I have left. I love you both and I don't want anything bad to happen to you lot."

"We love you too, Mum." Me and Vic both said in unison.

Well I know who doesn't get the Dad of the Year award. What a dick. I wish I could've blown his head off.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ^^


Love you HedgeHogNation!

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