Mettaton x Male!Reader ( Mind If You Teach Me? )

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(A/n: You guys know I've fucked up when I write something like that on the title. Sorry, I was listening to LUVORATORRRRRY! while making this. Couldn't help it, reminded me of Mettaton. Anyways enough rambling from me, LET'S GET TO SEXY LEGS)

(M/n) continued to roam around the audience, that was mixed with monsters and humans. Humans got used to the new species and just went with it. Some monsters and humans are still uncomfortable with each other, and (M/n) was sure they'll move on eventually. He was a human. He never knew what exactly happened in the Underground. But he did find out even when they were trapped down, they had pretty good entertainment. He was currently in a Mettaton concert, persuaded by his friend, Leona (Again, me!) He never knew why he did as his friend pleases (Because I'm the Author-OF THE JOURNALS //shot) But since he was curious about monsters, might as well give it a shot. Suddenly, the lights shut off and cheers began increasing in volume. Steps could be heard from the stage. And one spotlight shined upon a robot with black hair, holding a microphone. Beside (M/n), Leona was screaming along with the fans. He never could understood her. The music began and it started off with simple hip shaking. After a while, the actual beat started and the robot began dancing. With a microphone in his hand, he sung the lyrics.

Breaking all the right rules, meter programming tools

Do I like you? Or not? Do you take me for a fool?

Want bolts? Or nuts? They're all so bad!

Ready, locking on you. Target practice in view

Shot an arrow through my heart, guess you caught me off guard

With my looks and my charms, I'll finish what you start

Only you can make me sick, so lemme give you this verse KICK!

Hey look over here, and give me a kiss!

The song continued as the lyrics got more and slightly erotic. The fans were immensly enjoying it. But (M/n)? Not so much. By the way he moves to the way he sings, it's unbelievable that this guy could pull it off. Well, considering he's a robot, it's possible. Once it reached to the instrumental, Mettaton said something.

"Well my darlings! Looks like we have a surprise! I'll point to one of you and you'll get to dance with me here on the stage! Ready? One...two...!"

The squeals got even louder and with one lift of hand, he pointed right towards (M/n). He was shocked at first. But when Mettaton pulled him on the stage, his heart almost skipped a beat. What was happening? The lyrics came back on and Mettaton was already swinging him back and forth while being able to hold the microphone still. Eyes wide open, he was surprised at how the robot was calm and enjoying the attention. While he was not. The chorus came on and Mettaton looked at (M/n). His face was beading with sweat as the fangirl's screams could be heard over the music. They were chanting "GO FOR IT!". But, they're just performing right? The robot ignored the fans and just kept singing and dancing with the beat. While (M/n) was just shaking around awkwardly. The song ended and the audience were happily clapping and screaming. Mettaton looked at (M/n) again and winked, making him blush.


"OH MY GOD! Man dude, you're so lucky." Leona squealed as she punched (M/n) in the shoulder, but he gave no reply. He was still thinking about that last wink Mettaton gave him after the performance. It was currently almost fall, so the were turning into different types of colors. The two walked home to their apartment and went to their rooms. With a goodnight, they went in their rooms. (M/n) forgot about changing and just slammed himself on the bed. His heart beated loudly as he closed his eyes. Stop that (M/n). He just used you as an extra. Suddenly, a knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. He groaned because he was too tired to even stand up. The door opened and he didn't bother to look up. But the familiar voice made him.

"Hello darling."

Instantly looking up, (M/n) was faced by the same robot he danced with on stage. He smiled and laughed a bit. How did he know where he lived?! The (H/c) haired boy sat up and pointed at Mettaton.

"W-Why are you here?!" He demanded, slightly backing away. The robot sat beside him and looked at him intently. "I never caught your name. What is it?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning closer. (M/n) dug his fingers in his fluffy (H/c) hair. Ok, so Mettaton, the most popular star of the Underground came into his room, sat beside him and asked what his name is. Yep. Pretty normal. With his heart beating out of his chest, he spoke.

"(M/n) (L/n). M-Mettaton, what are you doing here?" He asked, gripping on his (F/c) shirt. Mettaton grinned and just said, "Did you think a robot like me doesn't have a genius scientist with me? I had her track you because I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Haha. That's definitely not creepy. But why would you want to talk to me of all people? I'm never good for anything and I suck at everything. So why?"

"Well. First of all, you're correct. But you seem to know a lot more than the average human. Second of all, the first time I laid eyes on you, I decided to say my feelings to you! And that's why I'm here."

With that said, Mettaton had stars in his eyes as he looked directly at (M/n). He was really ethusiastic about this. The (H/c) haired boy laughed nervously and looked away blushing. What should he say? He was confronting a robot popstar who's misunderstanding the true meaning of love. He cleared his throat and grabbed Mettaton's shoulders. He stared deep in his metallic eyes.

"Look Mettaton. Love isn't just about seeing someone you like. It's about finding someone you trust and will dedicate their life for you. You have to understand and help them with their problems and love them with all your heart. Love at first sight doesn't exist Mettaton. Only hard dedication and honesty. So if you're going to love me, you have to understand that."

After saying that, Mettaton was wide-eyed. His words stung him in his soul, as if he wasn't made of metal and he could feel electricity shocking him. Was this the actual meaning of love? The robot closed his eyes and chuckled and held (M/n)'s hands, leaving him confused. Mettaton smiled.

"Well then. Mind if you teach me?"

(A/n: Hola! Since school started here, I'm not gonna be updating for a little while. And yeah, like I told you before, these oneshots will be at least 1000 characters each because I'll be rushing on these. Sorry if they're gonna be crappy. Anyway at least I'm done with sexy legs.)

I'm making two stories. One for Bad End Friends Oneshots and The Road On Becoming a Hero. I recently got addicted to Bad End Friends and Overwatch so this is probably on a hiatus. Anyway Buh-Bye!

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