Chapter 1

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(You can listen to this whenever you want to)

                   (Emily's POV)

      I was walking home from school, thinking about the dream I had last night.

~~~~~~~Flashback to dream~~~~~~~~

   I woke up in a graveyard. A boy walked up with a scythe. A black and green scythe. A man came out of nowhere. He had red eyes and a devilish grin on his face. The boy slashed at the man but the man dodged. The man pounced at the boy but missed and fell to the ground. While the man tried to regain his balance the boy struck him with the scythe and cut him in half. The man's body faded into a glowing            circle-looking thing. The scythe glowed and then there was a girl there. As she got closer she started to look familiar. Then the boy pointed at the glowing object, looking quite irrateted. The girl walked to the glowing object and ate it.

Boy-" Hurry, Em!!!" EM?!?!?!?!?!?

~~~~~~~~~~End of dream~~~~~~~~~~~

   I reached our front door, finally. I opened the door and walked in our house, nobody visible. I turned around and shut the door. Then,


Me-"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"My leg became the scythe from my dream. I hit the wall and fell.

Me-"MOM!!!!!" My mom came running while she was on the phone then... she saw my leg.

Mom-"hey, uhhhhh, I'll have to call you back.............yeah bye........ OK now what's spirits number again........ oh yeah..................spirit....... my daughter's a weapon...... I know I thought that too....... OK I'll tell her. Then I'll tell Lord Death about her possible abilities. Okay bye," I looked back at my leg and it was back to normal.

Mom-"ok first I have to test something. Picture yourself as a gun." I tried, then my mother gasped and something felt weird. I opened my eyes to see I was a gun.

Mom-"ok picture yourself back as your normal self" I closed my eyes and did as she said. Soon I felt normal again. I opened my eyes to see that I was back.

Mom-"ok Emily I'll be back later I have to enroll you into the dwma and talk to Lord Death." Lord Death? My mom walks to a mirror and then breathes hot air on it. Then she writes 42-42-564 as she mumbles '42-42-564 whenever you want to knock on death's door.' The mirror started to glow. A man with a silly white mask and black cloak appeared on the other side of the mirror. Is that Lord Death?!

Mom-"Lord Death."

Lord Death-"Jess Jess!!!"

Mom-" I hate it when you call me that. Anyway, I'm enrolling Emily into the academy. She has her father's abilities. She can transform into any weapon she wants." That guy knows my father. Even weirder my mom is talking to him like he is a childhood friend.

Lord Death-"Oh my, yes yes, you're right very very unusual. She can be enrolled here. I can't wait to see little Emily again. K bye bye, Jess Jess!!!!!"
He's seen me before?! Lord Death disappeared from the mirror and my mother sweatdropped.

Mom-" He never listens does he?" My mom turns around and spots me.

Mom-" Oh emily. You could have just asked to see Lord Death. I would have introduced you two to each other. Oh, well I guess I can't see the day my daughter meets Lord Death."

Me-" Actually, mom uhhhhhh. Would it be OK if I pretend to be a boy? I mean at my old school people under estimated me because I was a girl. So please, mom?"

Mom-" Yea sure, do what you want, hun."

Me-" K thanks mom. I think I'll call myself , Eric."


Me-"Thanks mom! Can I go to the mall for a couple of hours?"

Mom-"Yea I'll call Lord Death and let him know of your situation."

Me-" K bye mom." I walked out the door and ran to the mall.

       Comment if you are actually reading this or you just skipped it. What did you think? Did I do good? This is my first Soul Eater Fan Fic. I think I'm doing pretty good I hope you vote for this and keep reading. I actually wrote this down in a notebook first. I've got writer's block somewhere around the 5th chapter. So, maybe y'all could help
me out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~741 words~~~~~~~~~~~

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