Chapter 2

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(Sorry no song this time these are what 'Eric' chooses to get to look like a boy.)

(Still Emily's POV)

I had died my hair dirty blond and got a cute short boy haircut. I got neon blue contacts too. I was walking home to show my mom. Everything was dark, and I couldn't see much. Then I bumped into something and fell over. 'I SWEAR IF IT'S A POLE AGAIN!!!!!!' When my eyes adjusted I looked up and saw a boy standing there holding his hand out to me.

Boy-"Hey, are you listening, lady? uncool.(if you didn't know who it was before now you do)The boy looked like he had white hair and red eyes. That made me wonder, "Did he dye his hair?' And 'Are those contacts?' Then I remembered a certain word from his sentence,.......Lady.

Me-" Don't tell anyone, please!!!!!!"

Boy-"Tell anyone what?"

Me-"That I'm a girl. You can be the only one to know..... Oh, you go to the DWMA ,right?"

Boy-"yea, my name's soul"

Me-" Are you a meister or a weapon?"

Soul-" I'm a weapon. A scythe actually. Pretty cool, right?"

Me-"Yea, I'm a scythe too, ya know."

Soul-" Really? Well, I guess this is super cool then."

Me-" Are we-,like, friends now? Cause I'm confused."

Soul-"I thought that was pretty obvious. Oh well, yea in fact I think we might end up being best friends"

Me-" Thanks. When I moved schools I had to leave my only friend.......... So, I'm going by eric."

Soul-" What's your real name?"

Me-" but what if after I tell you, you call me Emily instead if eric? Then what will be the point of telling you I'm going by eric?"

Soul-" Thanks.......Emily."


Soul-"Oh, and if you want to pretend to be a boy you have to do a better job of hiding these."Soul then poked my left breast. I hid my face.
(Soul you gonna get it)

Me-"saku................ran...............KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I kicked him in the gut. Hard. He flew a couple hundred feet back. I then smiled cheerfully, imeadeatly forgetting about what just happened.

Me-"K bye soul. I'll see you at school monday."

I left and started walking home. Once I was out of sight soul started mumbling to himself.

Soul-" She reminds me of maka. But somethings different, maybe, well. She's definetly not flat-chested like maka. She's cooler than maka. But that's not it . Maybe it's that Emily is a weapon and not a meister like maka. Yea, that must be it."

It's like 12:00 and my eyes won't stay open so I've got to go to bed but when I get the chance tomorrow I'll write the next chapter. K bye.
I hope my dream is that I'm in the soul eater world. That'd be soooo cool. Yes, I'm thinking of you soul.

~~~~~~~~500 words Exactly~~~~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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