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I woke up choking on smoke I saw that my room was engulfed in flames. I grabbed my laptop and ran out your door. I heard crying and saw Persephone my baby sister was surrounded by flames. I covered your mouth and ran into her room grabbing her I ran straight out and saw the front door was behind flames. I looked and grabbed a fire pit poker thingy and slammed it against the window breaking it I climbed out and made sure not to cut my sister. I called 911 with my cell phone and cried when they finally came.... They found my parents.... But not how I wanted.....

My eyes jolted open "Just a dream... Just a dream...." I said to myself. I looked around I was fine in my orphanage room. I walked to the dining room. And ate breakfast with everyone else.

"Children! Make a line single file! This young couple wants to adopt a twelve year old girl!" Angelina the orphanage owner said.

I couldn't believe who it was that was adopting! It was.....

Oooohhhh cliffhanger! Who is it?
Well sorry for a short first chapter but hope you liked it!

Adopted By MatPatWhere stories live. Discover now