Chapter 2: A Spark

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Ichigo felt as if he was torn apart.

...But he had felt worse before.

Ichigo cracked his eye open and saw that he was lying in some sort of grassy area.

Pain, pain, pain, pain, pa--

The ginger gritted his teeth and sat up.

He winced briefly when he put pressure on his left arm; he quickly leaned onto his right arm as he sat up.

Ichigo looked at his arm and saw that is was dislocated with a deep gash running from his left wrist to the his forearm.

He looked at the rest of his body and scowled.


His side was bleeding profusely and his right leg looked like it was broken.

The hybrid wasn't healing like usual...


'I know! F***! I don't know why I can't heal yo--OI! Don't you dare fall asleep, b*****d!'

Ichigo grimaced.

'I'm...trying not to....'

Zangestu's voice drifted through the hybrid's head.

'Ichigo. Breathe.'

The ginger winced.

Each breath felt like needles were stabbing into his lungs.

With his own will power, Ichigo struggled to stand.

He nearly fell, but a pale hand grasped his forearm.

"Yeesh! You look like sh**, King!"

Ichigo blearily looked to the side and found that his hollow-self had materialized into the real world.

Hakuryuu glanced around the area before lowering Ichigo to the ground, propping his up against one of the trees in the area.

"Sit your a** down, King. I'm gonna try and see what the problem is."

Ichigo coughed and Hakuryuu was alarmed to see blood dribble down the ginger's chin.

"Ah sh**!"

The hollow mussed up his white hair and nearly flipped his sh** when Ichigo started to slowly lose consciousness.

'Oi, oi, oi! Old man! Do you have any idea what's going on!?'

Zangetsu responded.

'I cannot be certain, but I believe that this will only be temporary after such a large time shift.'

'.....How big is this sh**y time shift?'

'...Don't you sense those auras? Especially the ones that had been long deceased? We are much, much farther in the past.'

Hakuryuu stretched out his senses and froze.

'.....No f***ing way......that guy's supposed to be dead...'

'Indeed. Now, release your hollow reiatsu.'

'Why!? Wouldn't that--.......oh.....'

'Yes. Your strong hollow aura will bring nearby Shinigami to check this area out. They'll find Ichigo and label him as a comrade with his shinigami uniform, and they'll presume that he had been attacked by a hollow which had escaped before they arrived.'

'...Welp, I got nothing else to do, and Ichi's losing blood fast. Here goes nothing.'

Hakuryuu glanced at Ichigo once before taking a deep breath.

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