tracer x male reader 2/3

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She grabs your hand and blinks all the way outside once you get outside she gives you a gun you and get run up to a old bush and she points forward and says "there base is just right there we can run in or be smart" she looks at you and smiles "okay we should sneak in to not alarm anybody"

she gets up and runs over in a big dusty field she stops and you run next to her and she elbows you and you fall and she falls "shh there are troops in the field" she looks at you and you look at her and start crawling she follows you and you crawl in the back and climb the building "hey slow down" you both get up on the roof and look at her "where can we find a hook and rope " she pulls out what you ask for "I knew we would need that so I had some" after a while after a while you hook up and fall all the way down "ahh!!" Tracer grabs you and your face almost touches a lasers "tracer if we get out of here alive I will take you out on a date " she blushes and let's go and your facer touches the laser an alarm goes off and a door opens and...

To be continued...

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