Chapter 1 (Encounter with the old lady from Middle Ages)

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Chapter 1 (Encounter with the old lady from Middle Ages)

A beam of light blinded me the moment I opened my eyes. I groaned  putting a pillow on my face. If there was one think that I absolutely hated in this world then that was the sunshine. I just hate sun. I hate brightness I like darkness because I can relate to it. And if there was one thing which ruined my mood in the mornings then that would be these stupid curtains. Aunt Sheri knew how to wake me up; she knew how much I hated open curtains in the morning.

I turned around looking at the clock on my side table. Oh! Shit! I thought when I realized it was half seven and just half an hour left till school. Oh! Dear Lord I can’t even imagine how bad this day is going to be. I ran towards the curtains, closing them and then ran to the bathroom.  In fifteen minutes, I was ready in red checked skirt and a red and black top. I ran to the kitchen with only one question in my mind, why the hell did Aunt Sheri not wake me up in the morning?. When I was about to open the fridge I noticed a note…


I have an emergency business meeting to go to. I will be back in a two weeks. I didn’t get time to wake you up as I was running late so I opened the curtains. I hope you get school on time.  Take Care!

Remember YOLO ;)

Sheri ‘

I rolled my eyes at ‘Yolo’ on the note and chuckled to myself. No matter how many times I have told Sheri that ‘Yolo’ means you only live once so do whatever you want to make your life as fun as possible , Sheri always disagrees with me saying that ‘Yolo’ (You only live once) means make reasonable choices in your life and don’t mess it because you only live once. To be honest her meaning of ‘Yolo’ did make sense too.

I shook my head still laughing. When my eyes glanced at the time, my laughter stopped and my eye bulged out of my sockets not literally obviously. 7: 55 a.m. There is no way in hell I was going to get there in time. I grabbed an apple and ran to the bus stop. Apparently, I had a serious bad luck today because when I was just 10 feet away from the bus stop, I saw the very familiar red bus of number 22 went past me. I screamed of frustration and stomped my foot on the bus stop.  I hate you bus driver, I hate you… So much!  I banged my head on the bus stop letting my anger out.

I heard my stomach grumble. Oh! Right! My breakfast. Wait! My apple, where did my baby, red appy go? Oh! No! No! Please tell me it’s not what I think it is.

 I. Need. My. Appy. I searched around frantically in my teenie tiny pockets but no luck. I groaned and hit my head again on the bus stop again but apparently I hit it too hard because the next thing I knew my head was throbbing of pain. Amazing! Great! What a good start of my first day of year 11. Can this day get any freaking worse?  And then I heard a chuckle and then a beautiful, melodically laugh…

I whipped my head behind only to come with face to face to a brown haired boy, with brown eyes. I took his features in, his sleek nose, his six packs bulging out of his V-neck and his rosy lips which were moving around the very familiar red object. 

MY appy.

Actually I take my words back. I heard a chuckle and a devil’s laugh.

He. Ate. My. Appy.

 How freaking dare he? My soft expression turned into a hard glare and his laughter stopped. It took everything inside me to not to kill him. Yes! I am very protective towards my food. The next thing I knew, my hand flew in the air and made contact with his soft cheeks. Ouch!

“What the fucks wrong with you?” He touched his slapped cheek which was now red and glared at me. I felt a tiny bit guilty about it but just tiny bit. I kept my hard glare, “What the fuck is wrong with YOU? How dare you eat my app-apple? How freaking dare you?” He looked at me and gave me are-you-serious look, “Jeez! It was just an apple. Calm down woman!” If it was even possible I got even angrier, “It was MY apple. MY breakfast. How dare YOU have it!” And just when he was about to answer I saw my bus 22 stop on the bus stop. Not wanting to miss it again I gave him one last glare and said, “Do NOT mess with me again!” He just stared at me eyes widened. I got in the bus and sat on the only seat available, next to an old lady. I sighed thinking about how my day has been so far…

I woke up with stupid sunshine, I got late on my first day so that means detention, I met an arrogant boy who also ate MY breakfast leaving me hungry. And now I have to sit with an old lady from Middle Ages who can’t stop talking about drugs and teenagers. “Mousechua? I mean why would people want to eat mouse killing pills. Don’t you think it’s so un cool?” I stared at the old lady dumbfoundedly. She just called marijuana mousechua…

What the…?

Okay. She reminds of me big mama…

She didn’t even wait for my response and ranted on, “I mean look at us people, we have grey hair, wrinkly skin but we still look very beautiful. We are way cool than those modern teenagers don’t you think?” This lady is way to self centered for her own good. I saw the very familiar bus stop of our school and as quick as I could I got off the bus but not before shouting, “Bye Bye Old sexy granny!” to the lady beside me. I heard a few chuckles coming from the bus when I got off.

I sighed as I stood in front of my school, Hillcrest School. Hillcrest school was different from all the other British school. And when I saw different I mean it. So here is why Hillcrest is so ‘different’

 We don’t have uniforms….

Almost half of the teachers are dumb without any common sense or any sense of humor.

I bet you 5 pounds that I am clever than half of the teachers in this school (NOT showing off or anything. Just stating a fact)

And Last but not the least, all students are dumb because they keep on trying to be my friend no matter how many times I have ‘politely’ rejected them.

I like being a loner. This is what I am and I am proud of it. I like being alone, thinking to myself and going through my past and thinking of ways I could have made my life better, better than what it is now. What I am right now is no one’s fault but my own. But I don’t blame myself cuz what I did last year was the biggest risk I ever took in my life. Whether it was for best or for the worst, I don’t care but what I do care about is that I am pretty sure I am not going to make my past mistakes again and I am definitely not going to let anyone see the real me.

I walked in the silent corridors towards my first lesson which was Science. Science is not my subject. Infact I don’t like it at all but I am pretty good at it. Yeah! I know weird! I stood outside Mr Jackson’s classroom. I took a deep breath and knocked twice. I opened the door and everyone’s eyes were on me. “Hey! Mr Jackson!” I said in my fake cheery voice. Mr Jackson knew I hated him and the feeling was mutual. “How lovely of you to join us Ali, things are so boring without you” He replied back in monotone. I rolled my eyes, “For the googolth time it’s A-l-i-n-a. Mr Jackson!” I spelled my name for him as from the last few days he seems to forget it every single time. “Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.” I rolled my eyes again and went to my normal seat just at the right hand corner of the room by the window. 

Little did I know, I was in for a very shocking yet very dreadful surprise…


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Amazing Cover/Banner on the side by @AyeshaShariq :D

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