Chapter 6.

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Grace woke up in the unfamiliar bed, last nights events replaying in her mind. No one had ever shouted at her like that, not even Sandra, especially on the first day. God knows what this woman could turn out like. She thought.
She just needs to run away. But she can't. One week. Sandra will pick her up in one week.
She looked at her phone. 7:48.
Miss McGonagall was awake, she could tell.
Grace stood up and went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. She sat on the bed, bored and not knowing what to do.
At 8:30 Minerva walked through the door, expecting her guest to be asleep.
Grace had her knees up to her chest and her hair covering her legs.
"Oh, Grace." Minerva said. "I thought you were asleep."
Grace looked up at the teacher and shook her head.
"If you go downstairs, I could sort you some breakfast." Said Minerva.
"Thanks." Grace walked past her and down the stairs.
She looked at the door and then looked around her.
Miss McGonagall must be busy upstairs. Grace thought, biting her lip.
She reached for the handle, not even caring that she didn't have her bag with her.
She pulled the door open and sprinted across the front garden before realising that she couldn't open the gate.
"Oh for Christ sake." She muttered.
"What are you doing out here young lady?" A man with a long silver beard asked.
"Why? Who are you?" She looked the old man up and down curiously.
"You must be Grace." He smiled, opening the gate just enough for him to get through.
Only then did she realise his ridiculous clothing.
"Yeah, I'm Grace." She said. "Who are you?"
"My name is Albus Dumbledore, a friend." He introduced himself.
"Of who's?" She asked. "Miss McGonagall?"
"Don't tell me she has you calling her that," Albus smiled.
Grace nodded.
"Now do tell me you weren't trying to run away." He added, chuckling. "Just like your father."
Grace's interest perked. "You knew my father?"
"Your mother too. We both did." He pointed behind her.
Grace spun around to see a stone faced Minerva. Teaching mode, Albus thought to himself with a small smile.
"Good morning Miss McGonagall." Grace smiled nervously.
"Tell me you weren't trying to run away again." She replied.
"Of course she wasn't," Albus smiled, covering up for Grace. "She merely saw a strange old man standing outside and decided to investigate."
Minerva looked between the two with suspicion, not believing either of them.
"Albus why are you here?" She asked.
"I have some important things I need to discuss with you, Minerva." He said.
"Grace, why don't you go to the kitchen and make yourself some breakfast." Minerva turned her around and pushed her gently into the house. "Oh, you might as well make us a cup of tea while you're there."
Grace rolled her eyes and sighed as she made her way to the kitchen. If she was fast enough she might be able to hear some of their conversation. These people knew her parents, she might as well try.
She quickly found the cupboard with cereal in, poured it out and made two cups of tea. Put it all on a tray with some spoons, milk and the sugar bowl and walked back into the hallway. She put her ear against the door and begun to listen in.
"I think you should tell your brother about Grace." The voice of Albus said.
"And risk him telling my mother?" She heard the woman she had been living with but knew so little about, ask worriedly. "And what happens if she decides to pay a visit to see the child? And Grace just so happens to say the wrong thing at the wrong time? What then? A broken arm? A cracked cranium? She'd be hospitalised! And what if her father finds out? A father who is in Azkaban for murder of 12 men!"
"We both know he didn't kill those people." Albus said. "He-"
"Wait." Minerva whispered, pointing at the door.
She silently walked over to the door and swung it open.
Grace tripped up and the tray went flying before emptying it's contents on an angry McGonagall.
"How dare you listen into our conversation!" She yelled, soaked in burning tea and cereal.

"I'm sorry but you were talking about my dad." Grace sighed, bending down to pick up pieces of the cereal from the floor.

McGonagall watched her for a minute before waving her wand, cleaning herself up and everything went back to the tray like nothing had happened.
"Just go back to your room." She said, ignoring Grace's shocked face at what she'd just witnessed.

The girl slowly turned around, still holding the tray and went to go oh the door.

"Tea." McGonagall reminded her, rolling her eyes as Grace walked back into the room and placed the two teacups on a table, silently walking back out of the room.

Grace no longer felt hungry and put the tray back in the kitchen and emptied the cereal, not bothering to listen in as she walked past to go to her new room.
She pulled out her phone as she sat on the bed, texting Sandra again.

Sandra please come over.


Just for a visit.



Alright, I'll call Minerva and tell her it's a routine visit.



Grace smiled and put her phone away not knowing what to do, bored.

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