Books and Interviews

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I walked down the grocery store isle as I grabbed several items to put in my shopping cart.

As I've said before, the empty loneliness of the fridge was going to be banished from my new home and never to be seen again. Although Aunty Sarah said she would take care of everything, I specifically told her that I was going to get a new job soon so I can start paying for things and I've already got 3 interviews planned. Once I get everything settled in my life, I'll start paying rent and then cut the ties with this David King guy and pay him back for what he's so easily given me. I owe him several debts of gratitude for doing this. My thanks cannot be given enough.

Right as I finished shopping after getting lost in my thoughts, I made my way home. The walk wasn't that bad, only about half a mile, which will save me money on gas and cab fare.

I took a different route, though, as I passed a nearby park that was desolated and abandoned. My heart clenched a little as memories of me and my sister came back to me. We loved the park. Always taking the swings. I remember once that the bullies at the time, Jessica and Hailee, had wanted the swing I was on. My sister came up to them and pulled Jessica's hair and said some very bad cuss words for my little ears at my age. Although we got in trouble by the other little girl's parents and they sent us home, Demy and I couldn't stop laughing about it.

I finally got back to my building and made my way up to my 6th floor apartment and easily put the food away. I looked and saw the time was 2:30 pm and decided to do some laundry so I can have a fresh and clean outfit for some interviews for jobs that I've already applied to. Yup, I'm petty persistent with my goals.

I grabbed a basket of laundry and hauled it down to the 2nd floor as well as a book to pass the time and sat in one of the comfy chairs in the room, reading Court of Nightfall by Karpov Krinade. It is one of my most favorite books in the whole world. It was about a girl who had lost her parents and was almost killed by the Angels, yet a 'vampire' saved her and made her one, except these 'vampires' have wings. Now she has to avenge her parents deaths and train to become strong enough to defeat the angels. Dang, I get way too into these kinds of things.

The dryer finally dinged as I smiled and checked my phone's clock once again and gasped; seeing that and hour and a half had already passed. I took out my clothes and folded them with ease as I went back to the stairs and ascended them, nudging the top floor's door open with my butt. Once I turned around though, let's just say the sight shocked me.

Several tons of books in boxes had accumulated themselves in the hallway, piling between neighbor's door and blocking-

Oh no they didn't!

Tons of boxes were piled against my door as I face-palmed and sighed, dropping my laundry basket to the side of my door and started to move boxes one by one. Jeez, these are heavy! I was just about to move the last box until a slight 'oomph' and a thump was heard as I quickly turned around to investigate the sound.

"Figlio di puttana!" A voice hisses as I look around a mountain of boxes and see someone on the ground. What the...

"Maledetto tutto ciò che è Santo." The person, I now see is a guy, mumbles and gets up. From the looks of it, he must've fallen and the box he held had spilled everywhere. I decide to make my presence known.

"Umm, hey, are you ok?" I ask in a concerned yet cautious voice as the man stands up. Wow... Ok tall. Seriously, this guy is like 6'3"!

"Huh?" The guy turns to look at me as I stop walking towards him and stare. His frame is on the leaner side, but still muscular and his face was as if it was sculpted out of stone itself. His hair was short and a platinum blonde and his eyes... Hidden behind black rimmed glasses, his eyes are a deep grey like ash that pulls you in and holds you there for all of eternity.

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