Chapter 1

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"This is Kai and Nya, or as they like to be called, Firefly and Typhoon. Brother and sister duo. Tough case." The chief of Ninjago police pointed at a file. A black and white snapshot showed a spiky-haired individual with a mask covering his nose and mouth, a dragon's teeth and snout drawn on the front. His eyes and forehead were smudged with ash, masking his identity, and a scar slashed through his eye. Next to him stood a shorter individual with an unevenly cut jet-black bob, large goggles, and another dragon mask covering her mouth and nose.

Short descriptions were underneath their report. Detective Ronin skimmed through them. Brother and sister. Half-Japanese, half-Filipino. Last seen: Ninjago City.

Ronin closely studied the two. "The guy's blind in one eye. Must be from that handy-dandy scar across it. I'm surprised it hasn't been a problem for him, seeing as you haven't caught him yet. Girlie looks like she poses a threat. She's carrying lots of weapons in this picture. You can tell because her coat's all bulky."

The chief raised a brow. "We already know all of that shit, Ronin. We need you to tell us more. That way we can bring the wonder twins in."

"They aren't twins, for one thing." Ronin started. "Says right here in the file- Kai, aged 21 and Nya, aged 19. And second, I'm bringing them in." Without another word, he left the room and began his investigation.
Typhoon burst through the jewelry store window, the shrapnel flying everywhere. She retracted her mechanical armor, shifting it behind her body in case the police tried shooting her again. She dashed through the alley behind the store, glass crunching under her worn boots. The alarms blared in her ears as she turned corner after corner. Soon, the sound of police officers and dogs running after her would join in like usual.

Today, however, wasn't going to be usual. She had a plan, and God, did she love it.

Grinning, she sprinted into the subway station, sliding down the railing and shoving past any passerby. She jumped onto the back of the train just as it passed by.

Gripping onto the railing, the young criminal quickly counted her plunders using a feature on her aqua-tinted goggles. Fifty pieces of diamond jewelry, about five hundred dollars, and a pack of gum. Sweet. She popped a piece in her mouth and awaited a text from her brother.

When the train finally reached Ignacia, Typhoon hopped off and sneaked into the blacksmith shop her parents used to own. She tossed her spoils into a safe under the floorboards and kept the pack of gum under her mattress. She had to keep some things a secret, after all.

She heard Firefly kick the door open and grab a beer from the mini-fridge. "Goddamn cops..." He muttered, gulping the beer down and turning towards Typhoon. "Hey, Nya."

"Gimme one." She reached out a gloved hand. "And don't call me Nya. It's Typhoon."

Kai laughed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. And no matter how tough you think you are, you're not getting one of these babies until you're of age, silly goose."

Nya huffed and pulled her goggles onto her forehead and pushed her mask down. Dirt and grime was smudged against the areas her mask and goggles didn't cover. "You suck ass..." She muttered, popping her gum. "What happened with the cops?"

"Couldn't shake 'em. Had to leave behind at least half of my shit." He finished the beer and smashed it against the wall. "It fuckin' sucked."

Nya smirked. "I got away. Got about fifty diamonds and five hundred bucks in the process."

"Good for you, little shit." Kai snatched another beer and pulled the blanket over himself. He wasn't going to be coming out anytime soon.

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