Chapter 2

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(( There's going to be glaciershipping in this part, heads up ))

Cole stared out the tinted window of his limousine as he lighted his cigar. He turned back to the elephant in the room, a tall android with bright blue eyes. He was designed to look like a human, but bullet wounds and gashes revealed his robot nature.

"There's a reason why I stole you, Zane." Cole let out puffs as he spoke. "You're made out of titanium. You're my bodyguard."

Zane nodded. "Affirmative... Have I not been doing my job...?"

"You have. But I want more."

"What do you mean? Ask and you shall receive, my master."

Cole smirked at those words before putting out his cigar and rolling up the window. "Get back to my father's mansion, discreetly." He ordered the driver, before sitting on top of Zane.

"Master, what am I to do-"

Cole put a finger to his cold lips, shutting him up. He unbuttoned his black vest, gray dress shirt, and slipped off his ebony tie. Pulling off his undershirt, he revealed his bare upper body.

Zane looked confused. "Master..?"

Cole once again silenced him with his finger. He took off his pants and belt next, leaving him only in his boxers. He stripped Zane of his raggedy t-shirt and worn out jeans, leaving him in his boxers as well.

"I-I don't think this is necessary..." Zane whispered, blushing intensely. "Have you had too much to drink, master...?" He asked, looking at the empty glasses strewn about.

Cole did have too much to drink. He pressed his lips onto Zane's, sucking on his lip to make him open his, and slipped his tongue in. He pulled back in disgust once he discovered his tongue and teeth, although normal in texture, tasted like metal.

Zane was too shocked to apologize. "M-m..."

Cole bit his lip. "Couldn't your goddamn father do anything right?!" He snapped, grabbing Zane's chilly hands and making him grab his hips.

Zane looked like he was about to cry. "Master... You don't really mean that..."

"SHUT UP AND FUCK ME, YOU STUPID PIECE OF METAL!" Cole yelled, drunkenly pulling off his boxers. The alcohol was really starting to get to him.

Zane wiped his eyes. "Y-You need to rest... You've had too much to drink." He got up and left Cole on the floor of the limousine as he cleaned up the glasses and put his clothes back on.

Cole started to sob, curled up in a ball and hiccuping. "I- I fuc- fucking hate my life... I fuckin- fucking hate my d- dad..."

Zane lifted Cole onto his lap and started to dress him. "You'll be alright, master."

Zane helped Cole out of the car and paid the driver. He tried to sneak Cole into his room, but was stopped by a figure in the doorway.

"Hey there, machine." Lou looked down at Cole, who was passed out in Zane's arms. "Another night out, huh?" He frowned at his son. "Drinking doesn't solve anything, Cole. Let me guess, he hasn't been following his diet schedule, now has he?" He looked up at Zane.

"Correct, sir." Zane replied nervously. "He sneaked out and raided a bakery... And then he proceeded to rob four stores for money and liquor. I accompanied him, of course." Zane knew it was wrong to rat out his young master, but Mr. Bucket scared him into the truth.

Lou pinched at the bridge of his nose. "How the hell am I supposed to be raising an elite and perfect dancer when all he does is rebel?" He glared at the duo. "Zane, go home. You're fired from your housekeeping job, now that I know for sure what you really do with my son. As for Cole, leave him on the bed."

Zane did so, and jumped out of the window, going to his father's workshop once again. He suddenly remembered the stolen cash at the bottom of the limousine, praying that Cole would remember to grab it tomorrow after his hours of stern lectures, rigorous training, and of course, his hangover. He really felt sorry for the young boy.

He reached Ninjago City, hoping to make it back home in one piece.

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