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What are emotions?

When did feeling become a problem?

My heart tells me one thing when my mind wants another

One holds all that I’ve known

The other holds all that I want

My love for the 1st has been unwavering

The other I could grow to love

Confusion does not sum up how I feel

I see so many emotions in the new and so little in the old

It is clear that both care

If I had to choose today I would choose myself

I can’t hurt the one I’ve loved for life

Nor can I hurt the one who somehow stole a peace of my heart

I haven’t wrote poetry in so long but they both released my inner poet

The brown eyes that are so familiar to me they could be my own show love even when they try to hide it

The blue eyes I have yet to have viewed, yet in spite of this I still care for them

My emotions are in so many directions I can’t even pin point what I’m feeling

Is it anger?

Is it depression?

Do I feel helpless?

Whichever it is I hope in time it’ll be revealed

My heart is in a rock and a hard place...i look at you and my heart melts

Yet in the distance i hear the whisper oh another’s name that send a shiver down my spine

Expressing my self has always been hard with the 1st

Then the new came along and all those old fears washed away

I feel as if my emotions have become my kryptonite, I feel my body crumbing

I grasps at the remaining strength I have to keep it together

The effort is pointless because one word from the 1st crushes the last of me

The new and unknown could be my Lois lane saving me from what I’ve always known

I am broken

I am used

I am abused

I am far from perfect

Yet with all of these flaws my Lois sees me not only as superman but as Clark Kent

I feel the urge to release all my pent up emotions

To bleed them out, and watch they flow from me

I can feel my body shiver with just the thought of it

I can literally feel the withdraw of my long lost companion

Will this help me?

……most likely not

Will this make the pain and feel of lost disappear?

……Once again no

I know the cure to my pain but fear hold me back

I know that letting go will result in a far deeper pain

Who was once my savior has become the reason for my demise

All in all these emotions have broken the once independent me

I lay in waiting for my own hero

Will Lois come save me?

Only time can tell ………..

By E. Hunt

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