Why was it you?

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Why do I want you?

Your toxic to me

Your the poision in my blood

The knife in my heart

The promise ill never have

Yet inspite of these things I crave you

I yearn for the days I heard you voice

The days I held you

The looking in your eyes, where they could warm my soul yet in a instant could chill me to my core

You are no better or any worst than the last

Like them you are my everything

Like them I would die for you

Like them I have shed tears for you

And like them I have bleed for you

For the emotions within me pushed me to release

My skin has healed and faded

I wish with my all you all could fade like the scars that beared my soul

I look at my scars and can still feel the emoions behind each

They all tell a story that no one can see

I open my eyes wide

I no longer try to hide

Yet my cry for help is unseen

So what do I d now?

I feel broken beyond repair

I was never one to believe I was worth much

I understand why none of them could truely love me

Love can only be give to those who love

Yet I loved, atleast I thought I did

I wore my heart on my sleeve

I wore is so unshielded that it is now dirty

My heart is so many things...

It is decayed

It is destroyed

It is cold

It beats no more to those it used to beat 2 times as hard for

My heart is so much more, yet I know for sure it is hardened and unwhole

You were the last to chip away my already fragile heart

When you left I crumbled to the floor

I tried to rise but fell back to the ground

My vision is blurred with tears of agony

I never thought love could cause physical pain, now I know I was wrong

My body sears with a burning pain

Am I in a living hell?

Why is everything feel so hazy?

Should I surrended?

I feel myself drifting away and feel no fight left with in me

I find some strenght to crawl to my bed

Reaching under I pull out some pills

I open the bottle and thinking this is the right thing

This will take away my pain

Downing the pills I wait for them to take effect

After 30 more minutes of unimaginable tortue the pills take over

Rolling into a ball I hold my knees to me and rock

Feeling dazed I know my blissful release is finally here

My thoughs drift back to you and the ones before you

You got your wish I will be no more

I am none existant

I do not know why you where the one to destroy the rest of me

You where not my worst

You finished what they all started so long ago

I wonder why

Why it was you an no other?

Why I feel no more?

Why my the room is fading?

Why you never loved me?

Why did I ever love you?

And lastly will you even miss me?

My final thoughts are these and all goes black

At last I am at peace

I still wonder even here



Okay so I started this in middle school during a really bad depression and found it and decided to finish it.I figure any kindof writing is good because as long as emotions are there its always a form of art. Anyways let me know what you think of it, and if you read it and don't like it I still want that feed back too.

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