Emma + Nicole (and Brendon Urie)

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I love her so much. Seeing her makes my heart stop, my eyes sparkle. I want to be in her world. I met her when I was 9. Both in 4th grade, although she is a year older than me, we sat together for everything.

Now in high school, she's different. She was shy, rarely talked, adorable and never had troubles with her teachers. Now, she in trouble and less quiet, but I still love her.

One day in middle school, I took every drip of courage I had and asked her out. She said yes and we dated ever since.

"Nicole?" I looked for her at lunch, sitting next to Brendon as always. I never liked him. He was a douche bag. Broke up with his boyfriend for Sarah Orzechowski. She's the school's prettiest girl but she isn't pretty at all.

I went to sit next to my girlfriend, she quickly put her hand in my thigh and I felt a rush of relief.

"Hey Emem," Nicole smiled.

"Hi, why are you sitting here again?" I asked, fear and anxiety ran all over my head.

"I wanted to talk to Brendon and Sarah, go hang with your nerd squad and Adam."

That's the most disrespectful thing she said to me. Before I started to tear, I got up and went to my friend's table. "She said something rude to us, and herself because she was apart of this."

"What happened Em?" Adam said, sitting next his friend and trying to cheer her up.

"Ever since Sarah talked to her, Nicole has been so different. She hangs with us less, rarely talks to us, she smokes now. She promised she would never and here she is, doing it. I'm done but I love her so much. I can't lose her."

"Emma, talk to her once you get home, tell her it's bothering you and you want her to be back with us." My friend Rosie said, helping out.

"Thanks guys, I promise I will." I smiled and ate lunch with my friends. We laughed and made jokes but my heart still felt empty without her here.

School finished and as always, I had to the back to go home.

My eyes widen, my heart was pounding hard, I lost my breath for a second before I went back and calmed down.

Nicole, my girlfriend who promised to never cheat, was kissing Brendon. The school's most perfect guy.

This couldn't happen. 4 years of relationship down the drain with shit and hair all over.

I couldn't believe what I saw. I cried, I ran, I got home, cried even more. I haven't left my room for the rest of the night.

"This can't happen. I love her. She loves me? I'm confused. I don't know what's wrong. What did I do? Am I too boring, too annoying? Did I do something to make her hate me?"

My mind was all over the place before I fell asleep.

I dreamt of her, with me, we were happy, we had kids and a cat. I thought is this the future of us or am I pretending. I stayed in bed, I wanted to stay, I couldn't go, my heart hurts so much but I love her. So I went.

I changed, and got ready, I look dead but most high schoolers do. I went to class and they look like nothing ever happened.

She sits next to me every class so my heart hurts a lot.

During lunch, I pulled her into a room. "Nicole.. I saw what happened yesterday. I thought you loved me. You're so different. Everything about you is different. You rarely acknowledge that I'm here. That I love you, my heart is full of you."

"I don't feel the same Emma. I really don't. Yes I'm different. I hate being the same for so long. I don't love you. We're over." She left. My heart left on the floor, cracked, mostly powder now.

I would never feel better. 4 years. Took me 4 months to give up on something, it took her 1 week to give up on me.

The rest of high school was shit. I failed most of my classes, but I got to senior year and graduated.

Nicole and Brendon was a couple for 2 years. I saw his 1st ex, Ryan and went to talk to him.

"Hey Emma. What's up?" He said, sounding down and not even happy.

"Nothing, happy I graduated but sad I lost someone that we been friends since 9 years ol-"

"Yeah, I saw Brendon with Nicole. He does that. I feel bad for her. One day she'll wake up, receive a text from Brendon that they're over and to never call him again. He did that to me and Sarah. I tried to kill myself that night. I wish I actually did. I don't like seeing him break people's hearts. But it's the past and I graduated too. I can finally achieve what I love with my friend Jon. Life isn't bad even if you got shot in the heart, left under a train and pushed off a jet."

"I was thinking of filming movies and writing books. What do you want to do with Jon?" I asked, seeing Jon with Spencer, another sort of apart of my friend club.

"Creating a band. And it doesn't work then a solo career." Ryan smiled at Emma. "Maybe you can help shoot music videos."

Life isn't bad at all. I make music videos for top bands and artists even local bands and artists. Though Nicole and I never got back together, I felt happier alone. Free to do anything. Leaving and returning whenever I want.


Years later, I'm 27, my mind drifts into her. Nicole.

I saw her the other day. She was beaten, bruises everywhere and never answered.

One day she came to my house, with a small bag. "Can I live here? Brendon is abusive and an alcoholic and beats me everyday. I'm tired. I'm sorry what I said when we were younger I didn't mean it. I was drugged, made to believe Brendon was nice but he wasn't. That's why Sarah left him. Please Emma."

I let her in. I was scared to let her in again but she needs help.

She hugged and kiss me and we did things. I missed her and I love her.

I'm Emma, a filmer, with a beautiful wife and kids. Dreams come true too.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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