Chapter one

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A/N if you get triggered easily, it may be wise to skip this chapter. All that really happens is Harry's parents die in a car crash. A little boy in the other car dies too.

Third person POV

Harry Potter was only two years old. He sat in the back of the car, swinging his legs happily. He watched as his parents stole looks at each other, until one look lasted too long.

His father wasn't watching the road. It was only for a second, but it was a second long enough. The car slammed into the Potter's.

Lily screamed, a blood curdling, ear drum shattering, hopeless scream, before the shard of glass flew into her chest.

James could have survived. He could have dodged the second shard of glass, except he was staring at Lily, not quite believing that she was dead. But then the glass embedded itself into his head, and he was dead too.

Harry wailed and screamed. A blonde woman- the woman from the other car- came and picked him up. She had tears on her cheeks. A man, her husband, stood with a little boy in his arms. He had a gaping hole in his gut, with blood seeping out. Harry watched, tears pouring down his face, as the boy's eyes closed and breathing stopped.

The boy's name was Draco Malfoy. His funeral was small. His mother and father, aunt and a few other close relatives and family friends were there. He was buried at Privet Church.

Harry felt bad that Draco die that day. That three lives were taken, yet he survived. It didn't seem fair. But then again life isn't fair.

Harry went to live with his only relatives. His mother's sister, Petunia, her husband, Vernon, and their son, Dudely. Petunia was a stick of a woman- long and thin, with matching brown hair. Vernon was quite the opposite- a beast of a man who took up three cushions on the sofa. Dudley's aim seemed to be catching up, at the age of ten he took up two.

In their eyes Harry was a mistake. Why should they have to look after what the Potter's forgot to take to hell with them? The boy was simply a nuisance. Worthless. Nothing.

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