Chapter two

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Harry POV

I feel an intense stinging across my cheek as my uncle slaps me.

"You're worthless, just like your parents. At least they got the right idea. Just do the world a favour and die." He punches me in the gut and I fall. He kicks me hard and stalks away.

I feel the first tear fall as I pick myself up, then the rest streaming from my face as I run away. I run out of the house, towards the deserted playground.

After the playground was built it was busy. All the children love it there. I remember when my parents used to take me... It was my favourite place in the world.

Then a little girl died of cancer she must've only been four or five. She was buried in the empty field next to the playground, because she had lived it too.

When her family died after her, they were buried there too. Then family friends, then their families, then the family friends of those famies... Until it became a graveyard. Now nobody goes there.

The paint has faded, and the swings squeak. The slide has rusted and the zip wire doesn't work. But it's still my favourite place. Maybe because nobody goes there.

I like to sit on the swings. I like to rock back and forth to the rhythmic sounds of them. I like the cool chains under my skin. It makes me calm.

I sit on those swings now, a tear trickling down my cheek. A figure roams the graveyard in the distance, a short woman with a brown bob. Often I see these people. Sometimes I'll be walking on the road beside the graveyard, trailing behind Dudley on the way home, and I'll see a person. I'll say; 'whose that? The person in the graveyard.'

'What person? There's no person there you worthless piece of shit,' Dudley will reply.

I'll look at the person more clearly. Sometimes they'll wave at me, or give me a sad smile. They never have a happy smile. I never have a happy smile either.

Nobody ever comes up to me. I've never said a word to one of the invisible people. Until today.

A/N HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRACO!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Today (5th June) is Draco's 36th birthday!!!!!!!! Also happy birthday to Grover, Frank, Uncle Rick and Piper on Friday xx Also to anyone else who has a birthday around this weekend I hope you had/have an amazing day xx

Love Gorgi

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