The Awesome Doll

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Rose's Point of View

"Wake up" my mom called me while walking by my messy room.

I groaned in response and refused to get up.

"Lets go,” she said more demandingly.

"Go where?" I replied.

"Yard sales of course! Come on. Don't make me go get you,” she said in her warning voice.

"I'm up, I'm up" I said rubbing my eyes. I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom were my mom was finishing doing her hair. I grabbed my straightener and plugged it into the outlet.

 "Why do I have to go again?" I asked her as I started to brush my long black hair.

"Because you don't know if there's something you might like out there for a really good price! And I don't want to go all by myself" she said and went down into the kitchen.

"Fine, but I'm staying in the car,” I yelled and quickly started to straighten my hair.

"Hurry up!" my mom called from out side, honking the horn.

"I'm coming! Don’t get your panties in a twist!" I said and ran out side.

I got in the car and my mom backed out of our driveway. I plugged in my iPod and played 'Stereo Hearts' my favorite song.

"Really? You play that song every time we get in the car!" my mom complained.

"Mom it's my iPod, and the freaking stereo doesn't work! And the CD player doesn't work either!" I said and raised the volume.

"Whatever" she mocked me.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"There's one!" I said as we got close to Raven's crossing.

"Good eye, Rose" she said.

"Yeah, yeah" I said as I looked out the window. The first thing I saw was a doll. "Mom! Look at that doll it looks beautiful!" I said getting out and grabbing the doll.

It was one of those old styled dolls, the one's that are made out of glass or something like that. Her hair was black and long, just like mine, it was in a fancy up do with a white ribbon in her hair. She had a beautiful white dress and white matching shoes, her glass eyes were a deep blue lagoon color, and she was as long as my arm, I loved her!

"It kinda looks creepy,” my mom said with a shiver.

"Wimp" I whisper.

There was a tag on her arm.

It read Rosie.

"Extra creepy" my mom said when she read the name.

"Whatever mom I’m buying it!" I said and went to ask the owner how much it was.

"Just take it! I'll give it to you for free!" She said nervous and little too quickly.

"Omg! Thank you so much!" I said and went into the car before she changed her mind.

My mom continued looking through the stupid yard sale while I sat in the car listening to my music and looking at my doll; observing all her little details.

"I still can't believe you bought that creepy doll,” my mom said when she got into the car.

"Mom, she is not creepy" I said, "She is awesome!”

"Your to old for dolls" my mother said, "your 14!” I rolled my eyes and put 'Moves like Jagger' on.

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