You're My Doll Now

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"Fine," she sighed, "come in hurry" she said opening the door and pulling me inside.

"What on earth is that thing!" I asked her when I sat down in her couch.

"It's just a doll-"

"Just a doll?!" I screamed.

"Calm down! It's a doll that got posses by my daughter. I didn't know she was practicing dark magic. She cursed the doll and it feeds of humans" she explained, "And it can become one too..."

"So she wants my body?" I said.

"I think so"

"How can I stop it?" I said with a sigh escaping my lips.

"I don't think you can" she said shaking her head.

"How did you stop it?" 

"I didn't my daughter did, but I guess it didn't work"

"You think" I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry" she said.

"Ugh!" I said in frustration

"I am really so-" she started to become small and small till she was a doll.

I screamed.

"It's your turn, Rosie" The doll smirked at me.

"No!" I screamed and ran to the kitchen.

It laughed.

I looked through the cabinets and found a lighter. I grabbed some paper towels and light them on fire. 

"Stay back!" I yelled waving the flames at her.

It looked at them flames, her eye reflected the fire, making her look even scarier.

"Ha, what is fire going to do to me?" she said.

I threw the fire at her.

It didn't do a thing.

She laughed and limped at me. I ran out the door and ran back home.

"You can run, but you can never hide" the doll laughed from behind me.

I tripped and twisted my ankle.

"No!" I screamed. 

The doll limped to me with a big, fat smirk on her face. "Gotch ya" she smirked and choked me with her small glass hands. Hello darkness.

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