Day 1

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Charlie's POV

School was the worst. It was good at times like when me Mia, Charlotte and Ellie would meet up at lunch. And Charlotte was in my classes so I was not totally alone.

One main thing that got me through the day was my boy- Bestfriend Dylan. He was funny, and just took my mind off of everything going on inside my messed up brain. Nearly everyone thinks he likes me, but I don't know.. He's like my brother.

It was now 11:55 that means it lunch thank god I was so hungry it was unreal. I was in maths so I was sat next to Mia and and on a table across from us was Charlotte. Ellie sat at the other side of the classroom next to Dylan.. It was probably one of the best lessons I have. Not because Dylan was in there...

When the bell went we all rushed to be dismissed which, with our teacher, took the piss.

As we got to the cafeteria Mia pulled me to a side " Charlie have you be-" I cut her off before she could finish. "No. Why  would you think that" I lied.
"Well you have been acting strange recently. Like when I grabbed your arm  you pulled your self away instantly" she said seriously. "I don't know" I said while looking at the floor. "I'm going to the toilet I'll be back in a minute" I said as i quickly passed the several stares form the kids behind us.

When I got to the toilet I ran into an empty cubicle and cried. I just lied to my best friend. But what was I supposed to say. When I stopped and had the confidence to go, I got out the cubicle and went to the mirror. As I was fixing myself up I was dragged into a cubicle. It was Mia. "I know it you was cutting" she said angrily. "What I don't know what you are talking about" I lied. Next thing I know she pulled my sleeve up showing the ugly marks. It look as if she was going to cry.

Mia's POV

When I looked at the marks I felt like I was going to cry. Why couldn't she just talk to me about it? What made her do it in the first place? But I did not want  to ask or flip. It did hurt that she couldn't talk to me but I was going to let that go for a second. I stood up to hugged her, and I felt her slowly relax in my arms. "I'm here for you, don't forget that" I said gently.

Charlie's POV

Hearing Mia say that meant a lot. But l still felt bad. After a couple of minuets I felt a lot better so to make it less awkward I randomly said "did you lick it all up JJ" Mia started laughing and so did I. It was our inside joke from one of the sidemen videos. When she stopped she replied with "Did you do a simba JJ" we could not breathe. After we calmed down we walked out of the toilet to look for Ellie and Charlotte. They where on the back yard walking around, so we joined them for a bit. Then we went inside as the first bell had just gone.

In my next class I was sat next to Dylan and Charlotte so it was funny as fuck. All our classes was on one long hallway. Ellie whent to hers first me and Charlotte whent to ours and Mia went to the bottom of the hallway where her class was. History (our class) was so funny we had so much class banter sometimes I would leave laugh so hard I can't breath! In this lesson is where we found out that there was a new student coming tomorrow called Ashton Irwin. Which was cool because we did not have a lot of new students. After, Dylan turned  to me and said "When he gets her I'm going to call him Ashie boy" he said with a smirk. "Why you bully" I said playfully. "I don't know I'm bored and might as well give him a nick name now " he said. "Well what's my nick name" I said messing. He thought for a while and said " best friend " he smiled "what's yours for me" he said sweetly. "Umm... Idiot" I laugh. " you bitch" he said while laughing "umm language" I smiled.

It was 14:55 the last bell rung, signalling to us that we could leave. I can't wait to just lay on my bed and sleep. Normally I would walk home with Mia and Dylan or Charlotte. Since I barley talked to Charlotte all day I thought it would be nice to walk with her and see what messed up shit we would do this time. Like once we were bored so we thought it would be good to by condoms. I mean we can have sex because we are the right age. I'm 15 and Charlotte is 16. But it's so fun to play with them.

Today as we were walking home we were talking about the new news about the new boy. I'm the only one in my friend group with out a boyfriend so we where wondering if he was good looking or not. If he was it would be cool but I don't think he will like me, why would he. At this point we both split up and said good bye and gave each other a hug.

I finally got home and messaged Ellie for a bit. Listening to music while I read a book and later on I fell a sleep. I was so tired for some reason but I did not fight it, so I just dropped off.

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