Day 2

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Today was the day the new boy was coming. So I got up at 6 like normal and did my makeup then brushed my hair. After, I put some black jeans on with a black top and a white adidas jacket. Then I brushed my teeth and whent down stairs to get somethings to eat. When I was done I grabbed my house keys and left. Recently, my mum went on holiday leaving me alone in the house. I kind of liked it. It gave me time to think.

I walked to school most of the time but it was raining so I got the bus in stead. I was waiting for the bus until my friend Jess came. When we were close friends she got me in to so much trouble so I just left her and got some new friends, they were a lot better for me. As I walked onto the bust and sat down, she noticed me. "Hey Charlie, I'm sitting next to you." She rudely stated and shoved her fake ass bag next to me.

Most of the trip was silent but I didn't care because it was only 15 minutes long. We got to school and I met Charlotte at the gates like normal and we would go in the cafeteria for a bit and wait for Mia and Ellie. As we sat down Mia came charging in. "Omg guys the new boy is so fucking hot" she yelled. "How do you know" I asked. "Ive just showed him around" she yelled again. "Well Charlie sould we set you two up" she questioned raising her perfectly done eyebrow at me. "No I need to get to know him first. I'm not like that and you know I'm not. And even if I did like him who says he will like me back there is more prettier girl then me" I said annoyingly. "Chill" Mia said. She was right I need to chill why was I getting so worked up over this.

The bell rang and we whent to class me and Charlotte whent to science and took our seats. She and Dylan sat at the front and I sat at the back by myself. I put my head in the table for a bit because I had done all my work the last lesson (yes I'm a smart ass). As I go to look up a amazing hot boy walked in I growned at the sight of him and Charlotte span around to look at me because she heard the sound slip from my lips.

I was a bit scared because I was the only person with a set next to them. He walked over like he owns the plays and said gently "hi I'm Ashton,is it ok if I say hear." Like an idiot I just nodded my head weirdly and bit my lip while staring hat his gorgeous face. He chuckles a bit to his self and took a set. As he sits I managed to tell him my name and say hi, then show him what to do. As I turn to the front Dylan is looking at me with a smack and Charlotte was lifting her eyebrows up and down. I blushed a bit but I didn't know why.

Ashton POV

As I sat next to her I know she thought I was hot but to be honest so was she. At one pont all she was simply doing was looking ahead of her and I found my self just looking at her and in my head all that was going through it was "she need to she needs to be mine." and I only met her for 5 minutes but I didn't cear. I'm going to ask her out tomorrow but it can't be today I need to get to know this amazing girl first.

Ashton Irwin // Daddy CutsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang