The new god

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 (Artemis P.O.V)
   After Three weeks of searching we couldn't find our guardian, but I refused to give up. I don't know what it was about Shadow but he seemed different than other guys.
   I dropped the subject and went to Olympus with Caeleigh so she could meet the gods besides me, and Hermes. She met him about a week ago with a letter from Shadow. It said how he as training over some of his powers, and he didn't want anyone near him while he was doing it. It also said he would see us in a week on Olympus.
  We made our way to Olympus so I could call the meeting. I flashed the rest of the way there with Caeleigh holding my arm. We arrived in the throne room and I sent a flash of light into the sky signaling a meeting.
  Once Zeus and the rest of the gods got here he said, ''Daughter why have you called this meeting?''

''To discuss that our guardian has gone missing. Hades do you know where he is?''

''I do, but he told me not tell anyone while he was training.'' Hades said answering my question.

''Well if you haven't seen him since three weeks ago then we need to discuss about getting the hunters getting a  new guardian.'' Said Poseidon.

''Father Caeleigh got a letter from him a week ago, and it said how he was training and that he will us today.''

''The girl beside you is she the girl you're talking about?'' Asked my father.

''Yes this is Caeleigh and she's a daughter of Nemesis along with Shadow's friend.''

''Is she part demon like he is?''

''Yes I am.'' Caeleigh said with anger in her voice.
   Then the room got darker and someone appeared near the Hearth with his hood covering his face and a familiar pet by his side. The Chimera growled and he said, ''Thorne down they aren't going to hurt you, and if they do I'll show them who they're messing with.''
  He whisked flames into his hands and smiled. Ares looked at him and said, '"Who are you punk?''

''You should know me since I kicked your ass in the wall seven weeks ago.'' He said walking over to Hades and sat in front of his throne with Thorne at his side.

''Can you remove your hood boy?'' Asked Hera.

''Why should I do that?''

''Do you realize who you're talking to?''

''Yeah, Hera queen of the gods and goddess of Marriage, but since you asked I might as well.'' He said getting up.
   He removed his hood and it revealed to be our (Hunters) guardian. The room got darker and three shapes appeared before him. The fates stood before him and said, ''Welcome Shadow god of Demons, Nightmares, Mist, Darkness, and Moon. Sacred Weapons; Bow, Crescent blade,Stygian Iron swords, Scythe, and Pitchfork. Sacred Animals; Wolf, Crow, Nine tails, and Chimera. Other titles guardian of the hunters and champion of Nyx.''
   The fates disappeared, and the room returned to normal and the only ones who weren't frozen were Caeleigh and I. He said, ''Yep that settles it.''

''What settles it?''

''Zeus you're looking at the new god of Demons, Nightmares, Mist, Darkness, and Moon. Sacred animals Wolf Crow and Chimera which is the one right beside him. Sacred weapons Bow, Swords, Scythe, Pitchfork, and the crescent blade.''

''He mentioned that his grandfather was a god, but he didn't say which god. Who wants to battle him?'' said Zeus.
   None of them did except for Ares go figure. Shadow smirked and looked at Thorne. He said, ''Thorne I need you to go over there. I'll be fine''
  I heard Thorne growl.

(Shadow's P.O.V)
  Me becoming the god of Darkness and the moon. Yeah I wasn't looking for the moon, but what ever. I looked over and saw Aphrodite looking at me with a smirk on her face. After Zeus asked, ''Who wants to battle him.''
  None of the gods raised their hands except for Ares which is a go figure since he wants to get back at me for what I did to him. I looked at Thorne who growled. I said, ''Thorne go over and sit by Artemis okay. I'll be fine.''
   I didn't have any of my weapons on me except for the Pitchfork. I took my hand and swished it across the air and summoned the rest of my weapons. I saw Thorne right next to Artemis and saw Caeleigh petting him.
   I didn't see it but Ares charged forward and almost got me but I dodged at the last second before his blade could touch me. All the gods gasped and Artemis got worried. I laughed a little, and didn't dare pull out my weapons. Instead I had an idea. The moon was rising and my power increased. I smiled and ran towards Ares. I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying, but he must've seen it coming since he stabbed the ground and stopped before he even reached the wall. I smirked and said, ''You wanna keep going or what?''

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