The day I return

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(Shadow's P.O.V)

I was in the middle of training when a flash interrupted me. I sheathed my sword and expected Hera to pop in. I was right cause I said, ''Hello again Hera what do you have this time?''

''Just some news like always. When Zeus locked you away he revealed his true intentions.''

''Which is what exactly?''

''He plans to wipe every demon out with a single attack the same day he you go back to Olympus.''

''I'll kill him. I'll kill that son of a bitch.'' By now I was seething rage. Lucifer was in his sheathe and Stinger was against the wall so everything was fine. I got control over my anger and said, ''Anything else before I go insane?''
  I saw the look in her eyes and got an insane smile. She flashed out and I crashed onto the ground. My hands were shaking from the rage I had. I got up and pulled out Lucifer. I ran my hand from hilt to the tip. Without saying a word I changed. Six wings, two horns, and red was all I was about. I pointed my hand out and blasted a full power cero. I flew across the room and stretched the wings.
  When I landed I was back to normal. ''Zeus next time I see you and want help from me then forget it cause I'm not helping you at all. I'll do myself a favor and end your pathetic excuse for a king. IF you dare go after Heather I will not hesitate to end you, and that's a swear on the River Styx.''
  After my anger subsided I was fine. I got up and looked in the mirror to see the same site except for more white was in my hair. I took a shower.

-Time skip seventy three years later-

(Artemis's P.O.V)

It's been seventy three since I felt Shadow's presence in the throne room. Father had called this meeting to explain that an unknown creature had killed several of his male offspring, but that wasn't all. He planned to bring Shadow back to. I hope Shadow knew father's intentions.
  When the meeting began he said, ''You may all be wandering why I have called you here?'' Some of us shook our head. ''The reason is do to an unknown monster has been killing my male demigod offspring. Does anybody have a clue about the creature.''
  Everybody shook their heads no. ''There's also another reason I brought this council together. I've decided to let Shadow out his box and bring him here. Guards go get him.''
  The guards flashed out.They should've came back a minute later. I mean how hard is it for the guards to get Shadow? Actually don't answer that one. I already know the answer.
  When they back they were bruised up and on the ground. ''I told you four to get him not to fight him.''

''He was in the middle of training when we arrived.'' Then we heard laughter.

(Shadow's P.O.V)

I was in the middle of training when a flash interrupted the training. I thought it was Hera, but it was just four guards.
  After I beat them they retreated, and I flashed out of this box appearing out tof throne room doors laughing.
  When I calmed down I blew the doors of the hinges. I walked into the throne room and chains appeared around my wrists and ankles. ''Really Zeus. Again with this.''

''Tell me where the demons are and I'll let you go.''

''Not gonna happen. You think just because I'm back you thin I'm weak. Well you're wrong.'' That's when Zeus pointed his master bolt at me and shot a bolt of lightning.
  All I heard here gasps and a no from Artemis, but when I cleared my throat I was standing a few feet away from where I was standing. ''How did you dodge that? You shouldn't have been able to with the chains on you?''

''Missed you dumbass.'' I almost pulled Lucifer out, but I restrained myself. ''Lucifer's not even worth using against you Zeus. So I'll be taking my leave now if you don't mind.''

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