1. Nalu: Morning!

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Lucy had woken up to a loud crash. Sitting up in her bed, she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Flopping down on her bed again, she sighed and asked to no one in particular, "What's going on?"

"Good morning Lucy!" Happy said, his wings out and hovering above her.

"Happy? What's going on? Where's Natsu? And what's with the loud noises...coming from my kitchen..."

"He's making breakfast for you." Happy said, watching closely at what Lucy's reaction will be with a little smile on his face.

"Eh? That's nice.." Lucy mumbled tiredly, and closed her eyes.

Her eyes popped open again. "Wait what?!"

Happy started laughing behind his paw. "You should have seen your face."

Lucy glared at the exceed. "Shut it cat."

He stopped laughing immediately. "Yes ma'm!" (Note to self: Do not make Lucy mad after waking her up >o>)

"But wait, Natsu making breakfast?" For me? She silently asked herself.

"Aye sir! You should go check on him though..." He said.

"Oh crap! Yes I should...who knows what my kitchen looks like now after all the loud noises I hear in there," she said as she scrambled out of bed, Happy following closely behind her.

They walked into the kitchen only to see half of the place covered in ashes and the other side covered in pancake batter. The table in the middle of the kitchen  seemed to be the only place that was clean. There was a plate of fresh, perfect shade of light brown pancakes. Out of the corner of their eyes, Natsu was trying to make some more pancakes, who was wearing a pink apron over his usual clothes and a chef hat, some of his salmon hair sticking out under the hat.

"Have to get this right..." He muttered, as he concentrated a little before he blew some fire into the pan. After the flames disappeared, on the pan was a light brown pancake. "Yes!" He grinned, his chef hat falling off his head.

Happy flew over to Natsu. "Natsu, you're a natural!"

His grin grew wider. "Thanks little buddy!"

He turned around to see Lucy leaning on the doorway, who was already watching him with a small smile on her face. "Morning Luce!" He looked around the kitchen before his eyes settled back to Lucy again. "Sorry about the place," he said, grinning sheepishly.

She laughed quietly as she walked up to Natsu and stood on her tip-toes to take an egg shell from his hair, before smiling up at him.

"Morning Natsu."

Hi there!

This is my first Nalu one-shot and I hope you liked it!

Was this too short btw? Just wanted to know on what your opinion is about the length of this :'D

It's morning as I am currently writing this and this just popped into my head lol. I'm hungry now... ;-;

But anyways! I hope to see you on the next update! (oh yeah...I forgot to mention, I suck at updating but I WILL try to update as frequently as I can! It's summer break right now so I have more time on my hands ^.^)

Thank you for reading, voting, and maybe following me? Haha kidding. Unless you did, then thanks a bunch! :)



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