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"I've missed you"

"No you don't"

"Yeah I do. I was stupid for what I did. Can you please take me back?"

"I could never be the same after what you did to me. You broke me and left me for her. You cheated and didn't tell me why. I was never good enough for you. And you didn't tell me the truth. You told me to trust you and I did. You told me that you loved me and up until last week you were walking around with her. Now you're gonna come back here and say that you've missed me? After breaking me? After making me feel stupid and worthless!? After making me seem so freaking stupid for trusting you? No. Okay? Please. Just leave me alone. I loved you and you ruined me. I can't go through that again. Ever again."

"But. I love you"

"No you're in love with the idea of being with me. If you were in love with me then you wouldn't have run off with her. I'm done with your shit. Goodbye."

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