We'll see how it goes...

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When I woke up we were in the sky. I looked to my right to see Blake asleep and still holding my hand. On my left I saw Nigel looking out of the window. He looked back at me, smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Morning," he said cheerfully.

"Well aren't we in a good mood."

"It's because I woke up to see your sleeping face." I raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"You were watching me while I slept? ... Creeper." I joked. He looked at me like he was offended and answered me with a dramatic Ugh!

"Anyway, I'll be right back."


After he left for a minute a flight attendant came to ask us what we wanted to drink.

"Would you like anything to drink?

"I'll have an iced tea."

"And for your boyfriend?" she said, motioning to Blake.

"Oh. Um. He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh. Okay. I'll come back if he wants anything later," she said, after handing me my drink.

I think she thought he was my boyfriend because he was still holding my hand. While I was thinking I felt something hit my head. It was a crumpled up piece of paper. I turned around to see Alex smirking at me.

"What are you? Five?" He shrugged and motioned for me to open the paper. I wish that was me holding your hand ♥.

I turned to look at him and gave him the WTF look. He just winked and went back to flirting with the flight attendant. I noticed that Blake was still holding my hand and when I took my hand away, Nigel came back from the bathroom.

"Took you long enough."

"There was a line."

"Sure. The flight attendant came around and asked what we wanted to drink. Did you want anything?"

"No. I'm good. Do you know what time we're gonna land in California?"

"We'll be there in an hour. Should I wake up Blake?"

"Whatever," he said, putting his head back on my shoulder.


After Nigel fell back asleep, I turned to Blake and said his name quietly to wake him up. He didn't respond, so I poked his cheek. He grunted, shook his head and looked at me sleepily. I smiled at him.

"Did you poke my face?" he asked groggily.

"Maybe," I said, beaming at him.

He ignored my comment, ruffled his hair and straightened himself out in his seat. Then looked at me.

"Did anything happen while I was sleeping?"

"Um. Nigel woke up and then fell asleep again and the flight attendant asked me what you wanted to drink," I told him, leaving out the part were she asked me if he was my boyfriend.

"No it's okay. When do you think we're gonna land?"

"In about an hour," I said looking at my iPod for the time.

Before we were about to land, the seat belt sign turned on. Nigel was still sleeping on my shoulder. Luckily he already had his seat belt on, so I didn't have to put in on him myself. Blake was reading the same book. The pilot came over the loudspeaker.

"This is your pilot speaking. We are now descending into sunny California."

I looked over to where Mrs. Park and the others were sitting. Jeremy was getting antsy, so as soon as we landed, Mrs. Park brought him out first. Blake and Dylan went next to get our luggage. Nigel and I were the last to leave the plane because we needed to gather our things. Since Nigel just woke up he was still hazy, so while we were getting our stuff, he tripped and landed on me.

"Sorry, Mina," he said, trying not to make eye contact.

"It's okay."

Before he got off, we accidentally made eye contact. The next thing I know Nigel's lips were on mine. When we finally got up and started to walk off the plane, the same flight attendant stopped me. I told Nigel to go ahead.

"So, is that your boyfriend?"

"Uh... Well... I don't think so."

"He should be I saw how he looked at you and he's pretty cute."

"You think so?"


"Um. We'll see how it goes."

"Hope it goes well. By the way my name is Trinity."

"Thanks. My name is Mina. You remind me of my friend. Her name is Trixa."

"I guess I should. She's my younger sister."

"Really? Trinity? Oh! I didn't recognise you with that uniform on."

"I guess. Hey. I'm gonna be staying in Cali. for a few days we should hang."

"Okay," I said as she wrote her number on my hand.

When I walked out Nigel and the others were waiting for me.

"What took you so long?" Nigel asked.

"The flight attendant was Trixa's sister, so she gave me her number so we could hang out."

"That's nice you already have someone to do stuff with."

"What about us?" Dylan said, acting dramatically.

"We'll see," I said, while he scoffed.

We all piled into the cab when it came to take us to the hotel. Again I had to sit in between Blake and Nigel. Blake had his arm around me and Nigel held my hand. All I could think about was the conversation I had with Trinity.

  'Is he your boyfriend?' 'Um.... I don't know.' 'He should be. I saw how he looks at you.' 'We'll see how it goes...''


Thanks for reading~! I hoped you liked it~!

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I'll try to put more events in the upcoming chapters. Okaii~!


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