One Day Left

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You and Chanyeol sit on the sand while hugging . Enjoying the beauty of the beach.

"oppa, what if i die next year??" You suddenly asked.

"then, i will have to make my time for you everyday." Chanyeol answered with a weak smile.

[last year...]

"Jagiya!! I'm here..." chanyeol back hugged you.

" have a flight to catch up. Better you go! " you said.

He let go of you than pout.

" don't seems to like my appearance.. "

"eeiii....don't be like that..I love when you appear at my home. But now you are busy. " you pinch his cheek softly.

"I am. But not for you.." he kissed you until it made you blush.


"Oppa, what if i die next month?? " you asked again.

"then i will have to buy you flowers and present for you each day." He answer while hugging you tigher.

[Last month]

"Jagiya..i bought you flowers..." chanyeol walk in to you house.

"But, you already gave me yesterday"

"I want to give it to you everyday jagiya..." chanyeol kissed you.


"Oppa, what if i die next week?? " you asked again.

"then, i have to spend each day with you.."

[Last week]

"Oppa..where are we going now??"

"Today, we are going to the movies." He pulled your hand.

"But, yesterday you already bought me to the movies.." you said.

"Umm..then we are going to the mall..." he still pulling your hand.

You sigh then giggle to see your boyfriend action.


"Oppa, what if i die tomorrow?? "

"then i will hug and tell i love you every hour.."

[Yesterday ]

"Jagiya..i love you.." he hugged to so tight

"You just said that last hour.." you said.

"And i will say it again in the next hour.." he snuggle to your neck.


"Oppa, what if i die today??" Your breath became heavier.

"then i will brought you to the beach and appreciate every second we been together.. " chanyeol's eyes started to cry.

[Last minute... ]

Right now. Only one day left with you. I have spend my life with you. This is the end of it.


"what if i die now?? " you find it more hard to breath now.

"then, i will kiss you..until you fell asleep.."

Chanyeol kissed you. One by one your tear go down.

"oppa, i want to sleep.." you said.

"then, sleep in my embrace jagiya. forever..."

that's the last air you breath in.

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