Chapter 2- Warmth

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Two chapters in one day \(^-^)/ yay for meh! (Art is not mine)
-------------------------------------------Batman's POV~

"Hey bats! Glad you could make it." Whispered The Joker.

After the initial shock wore off I promptly elbowed the clown in the stomach causing him let go of me and stumble back a few steps.

I would never admit this out loud but I really did not like it when the Joker got too close. Even when fighting if he invaded my personal space too much I would internally freak out. Something about that damn smile just wasn't natural. He wasn't an especially large man but his boney stature held more strength than should be humanly possible and he was faster than his malnourished frame should allow. This made him easy to underestimate and that combined with his utter lack of sanity or humanity made him very dangerous.

He always held himself as though he was coiled like a compressed spring, every muscle seemed tense and ready to fight at any given moment. Even as he lounged around, feigning a calm or controlled mood, he was always only a second away from attacking. He is the only person who could truly scare me because, unlike most, he has no motive or plan. He is unpredictable.

"Haha nice to see you too bats!" He said slightly winded and doubling over from the elbow I just shoved into his abdomen.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send you right back to Arkham." I growled in a futile attempt to intimidate him.

"Trust me when I say that would not be in your best interests Brucey boy" he said. His trademark grin stretching across his face as I felt the colour drain from mine. How did he know? I needed to remain calm and act unaffected despite the panic I felt crawling into my chest like a maggot into a wound.

"How do you know that name" I said in a thankfully steady voice. I manage to sound nonchalant even though my heart was racing.

"Oh come on it wasn't that hard really! I used the process of elimination to find you!" He stated with a proud smile. "You see all your gear looks pretty fancy. That means you must have dough and a lot of it. Thanks to that handy dandy hole at the bottom of your mask where your pretty little mouth is I can tell your white and obviously male. Finally never in all of our years together I have never seen you use a gun! Now let me ask you this bats: how many billionaire white boys with a history of gun violence do you think there are in Gotham?" He finished with a smirk.

He had me. I could see everything I had worked toward was burning around me and I could do nothing but stand here. One word from him to the wrong person and I was finished. I couldn't send him to back to Arkham with him knowing who I was and killing him was never an option but it would be the cleanest way out, assuming he hasn't told anyone already. Damn.

"You bastard." I growled under my breath, I couldn't think because the fatigue from days of not sleeping was making my head fuzzy. How could this be happening? I asked myself. I'm over. He's killed me with one word and now my whole family is in danger. He's won.

Fortunately for me the Joker has never been that predictable.

Seeing my distress he moved a step closer and with that shit eating grin still plastered on his face and said:

"Don't worry bats your secrets safe with me as long as you don't throw me in Arkham again."

A wave of relief flooded over me, promptly followed by one of suspicion.

(Batman x joker) ~One stormy night.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن