Chapter 7-War.

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Batman's POV~

After hearing about Gordon's disappearance the Batfamily sent Alfred a message that they were coming home as soon as possible. Barbara was Gordon's daughter after all and she wanted to help. I allowed this due to the warning we had been given about  them not being safe. I figured that if they were in danger it was best to have them close so I could protect them. Alfred also informed me that one of the kitchens knifes had gone missing and that it was likely the Joker had it. Much to Alfred's dismay, I decided that confronting the Joker about this would only lead to violence so I decided to trust him to come forward about this on his own.

Alfred didn't like that at all but I knew that he would never argue with me on matters such as this because, as disturbing as it is to admit it, I understood the Joker better than anyone else. I knew that he felt vulnerable and only took the knife for fear of his own life, he'll give it back when he feels safe. It's not like I would have done any different if the tables were turned, in fact I still had the Jokers confiscated switch blade in my pocket .

So I left the knife issue alone for now and instead focused on getting the house ready for the return of my family. I knew that they would all protest the idea of the Joker staying with us, some more than others, and I knew that I would be probably be getting several lectures about my decision making abilities the moment they found out. On top of convincing them that this was a good idea I also had to get my resident clown to agree to their presence. No doubt he would feel uncomfortable in a house of people who want to, and potentially could, kill him.

So I created a plan to introduce them to each other slowly over the course of the next week. I would keep them separate for the most part and have the more rational members of the family, like Tim and Barbra meet with the Joker first. This way when it came to Jason and Damian's turn the others could help keep the peace. This plan would hopefully ensure the safety of all the occupants of the house and maybe not completely destroy their trust in me. It was a good plan.

Unfortunately fate had other ideas.

I am currently standing in my underwear, pinning a fully clothed Joker against the wall, my hand is up his shirt, I have his lipstick smeared across my lips, we are both sweating and my beloved adopted family are standing in the doorway.

Now, before you assume anything, let me take you back to yesterday so I can explain how we ended up like this.


According to the news, which we watched on the old TV in the house we went looking for Hatter in, Gordon had gone missing from his office. He had been working on the same case we were and had shut himself in for concentration. No one in the building saw him leave and the security cameras came up blank as well. An assistant who came to give him coffee found the room empty and no one has seen him since. The assistant had looked oddly familiar but I couldn't quite place his face, a quick internet search of his name revealed nothing so I chalked it up to stress messing with my senses.

The Joker and I decided to head back home because the crime scene would be heavily guarded so an investigation would be impossible for tonight. Unfortunately I had totally forgot about the ambulance I had anonymously called for the young man in the bath and in the time it took us to watch the news report the ambulance had arrived. We were in the living room when they kicked in the front door and the only way out of the house from the living room was down the hall where the rescue crew was. All the windows had been boarded up and the only other door in the room lead to a small cupboard that had a few old coats and a single high heel in it.

(Batman x joker) ~One stormy night.Where stories live. Discover now