Chapter 2. Way Too Sweet

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Me and my mom woke up on a bed for the first time on a long time. She was in deep sleep when I started to half open my eyes. Of course I was tired but somehow sleeping on a place that I don't even know about was scary. I sat on the bed and waited for my mom to wake up. I didn't want to go out of the bedroom without her, see, she makes me feel safe. I love how she use to chuckle when I got scared and ran up to her. She was a happy girl.
The man knocked on the door and I didn't know what to say 'come in' or 'I'm naked' or 'wait a second' or 'I don't trust you..' 
"Come in" I said and sat properly on the bed covering myself with some blankets.
He opened the door and came in with a wide smile on his face. He wanted me to help him with his dog. I didn't know he had a dog? Of course I didn't know. I told him that I'd come in a minute. I got out of the bed once he left. I went downstairs. It was a cute little English Mastiff. I mean the dog.
It ran up to me and started licking my feet. I got on my knees and stroked it.
"What's it's name" I finally started to talk to the man. He said she was Bella. I think she was super cute.
"How old is she?" I asked again. He starred at me for like a minute.
"Sorry I ask a lot of questions.." I said and focused on the dog. "No it's not's he"
I looked at him confused. "The dog" he continued. I blushed real bad. 'Oh'  
"Why Bella?" I asked him thinking it would be the last time I asked him stupid question. I don't spend times looking what gender dogs are I prefer asking the owner.
"My son named him.." He looked down for a bit.
"Where is he?" He looked at me and said "he is 14 now. Perfect for you.." I looked at him and got up to hug him. Maybe the man isn't that mean. He started to cry.
He has a heart.


My mom finally woke up and we went outside to talk.
"I think I like Mat" she started. Right when she said that I felt like my heart broke in million pieces. I pretended like I didn't know what  she was talking about.
"Who?" I asked even though I knew. She replied with a smile. My eyes started to water when she looked away I whipped the tears off quick.
"Aw okay good for you mom" I fake smiled while looking at her..she was happy again.
"I love you baby" she said and hugged me tight. I wasn't smiling anymore...
I sighed when she got inside the house. Mat.. Okay nice. I said in my mind. I thought mom forgot about dad. The one who loved us. And I thought she wouldn't replace her.
I got inside and walked to her. "You've known him for about 9 hours..don't do this to yourself" I said to her. She looked me with her sad sweet eyes. And again what she said was 'good girl'
I raised my eyebrows and she walked away to him and kissed him on the cheek.
Why is she doing this? Why is she acting like this? Is Mat really kind?


I went to Mat and told him I would go outside. He told me to not go too far. I went outside and found a little tiny house. I went inside and it had stairs so I got down. Soon I saw blood. I turned on the lights. And no.
I saw humans covered by blood. I blinked me eyes few times to know if I was dreaming or not. One of them was a little boy. Well not that little he seemed like my age. He looked at me and walked towards to me. I stepped back but then fell on a rock. I was getting scared but I made sure I wouldn't scream or anything. He was coming closer, closer and closer. I swallowed and looked up slowly. He offered a hand.. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "Th-" he cut me off  "where did you come from?" He asked looking a bit angry. "Uhm this guy named Mat is-" and he cut me off again. "Father.. That asshole" I looked at him for awhile and figured out everything. At least I thought I did.
"Are you 14?" I asked him thinking how he had been living here for 1 year.
"Yes and I want you to get out of here" he smiled but I didn't want to go. "I'm not going without you" I said lifting my chin up, pretending like I'm strong even though I was scared.
"You have to go now!" He yelled pointing at the stairs.  Just like what my mom did. I kissed him on the cheek. I didn't know the boy but I felt the connection and I promised myself I would get him out of there.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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