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Here are all the testimonials from experience:

mary wrote: 

"Oh . . my . . gosh!!!! mY wishes came true so fast!!! all six of them!!! thankyou so much, whoever built this site!!!! thankyou!!! everyday I see my wishes happening more and more and more!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Jayme wrote: 

"I can not believe it! :) It came trueee!! I am definitely using this as much as i possibly can!!! Thank you so much! <3 

Hari wrote:

THis .............site has been amazing since ever i have found it.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i made many wishes and all of them came true......Thank tou thank you thank you..........very much for all this ..........................i am really grateful to Real Wishes....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa wrote: 

"You made my wish come true and I will never be the same! Thank you very much! I am so happy now! This is like a dream! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best! 

Amy wrote: 

"my wish FINALLY came true today! thank you! i am crying tears of joy! thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

Jean wrote: 

"I did this for fun, and on the third day my wish came true. 

pinkdreams wrote: 

"I wished for love from my ex and 1 day or 2 later my ex came over and made love to me!!!! this is for real!" 

Howie wrote: 

"I got my first union gig right after I made my wish and after the set I got a manager who's so far been pretty good at getting me more work. My wish was to cut my first album within a year and it looks like it's going to happen. Thanks in advance." 

Breanna wrote: 

"I. Wished. For. Something. Impossible. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!! There is no way this could have came true and it is ALREADY starting to come true!!!!!! I started LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Jacqui wrote: 

"My wish came true! Not exactly in the way I imagined but somehow I got the courage to take the first step towards acheiving my dreams and after that first step everything just kind of fell into place in a way that was so much better than I could have hoped for! Coincidence? Maybe, but I believe this site had something to do with it. Everyone should give this a try!"

pilar wrote: 

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh were getting married my wish came true part of it and im sooooooo grateful and very excited lol. thank you jesus your the best and i love you too and you too realwishes you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! yall do not play or joke around with dis site because its realll just believe!!!!! and see what happens=] thank u 

Napolean wrote: 

"Yes! my wish came true on the very first day! thank you! 

SaK wrote: 

"Oh! Hell Yeah............ Got the Positive Result of what I wanted in my Life!!!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You, A Million Ga-zillion Time ^ Raise to Infinity.... I'm so happy 

Barrelracer710 wrote: 

"My horse had colic really bad, and a lot of the times, horses don't make it through a bad case of colic. Desperate, I made a wish that she would get better because she's the best barrel horse I've ever had, and I've gone through a lot of horses. I woke up in the middle of the night to check on her and she was up, alert, and out in the pasture grazing :) She's doing fantastic, and has all the energy she had before her episode. 

emily wrote: 

"yes! my wish came true today i guess the power of 8 is real 

kyle wrote: 

"how on earth you did this I have no idea but thank you for making my wishes come true!" 

Katie wrote: 

"Three days ago I wished for something really important for my bf and yeasterday all of what I wished for came true, this site has helped us out a lot and I'm very grateful for" 

Floranda Epperson wrote: 

"it came true my wish came true OMG!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!! OH JESUS AMEN!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!" 

Antoine wrote: 

"My wish came through on day 5. I passed an impossible exam which I would not have done without the help of real wishes. Thank you." 

Paula wrote: 

"Was in a really impossible legal situation. The day after the 8th day I got the legal situation sorted in my favour. Thankyou so much whoever u r"

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