Chapter 2

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When I stepped inside Starbucks, a bell rang above me and I was greeted with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. The was a middle aged crotchety man behind the counter. He was the only employee that was willing to work so early in the morning, and I can't blame everyone else. He was taking the order of the only other customer in the shop.

As I waited for my turn, I studied the boy in front of me. He was slightly shorter than me and lean. He must have been around my age but I couldn't get a good look at his face.

Dark brown hair poked out from under a cap worn backwards. Who wears caps inside anyways? He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and a pair of black sneakers: simple but stylish.

I couldn't help back look him up and down a second time, something about him was interesting. He looked like someone you would want to hang out with.

"That will be two seventy-five." The sound I heard coming from the grumpy man was unexpected. He had a squeaky voice that broke at the end of every sentence. It was like puberty had come, gotten in a fuzzy armchair and decided to stay. I watched, stifling laughter, as he grabbed a black leather wallet and took out a five dollar bill. He handed it over and took his change. "I'll be right back." And with that, the man walked to the back room to make his drink. The boy nodded his head in acknowledgement.

As he waited the barista's return, he started to drum a beat against the counter, recreating a rhythm. I decided to open my bag and take out my computer and headphones. I plugged them in and opened my latest mix. As I played it to refresh my memory, music blasted into my ears at a deafening volume. I tugged off my headphones at lightning speed and dropped them on the floor like they were acid.

Of course, the sound of plastic clattering against a floor was sure to attract attention.

As I went to pick up my darling, another hand beat me to it. I looked up to see a pair of hazel eyes staring back at me. I blushed slightly as we both straightened ourselves up. He handed me back the headphones with a small smile. And all I could do was smile back.

There was an awkward moment until he ended the silence, "That's a nice pair of headphones you've got there. Good choice. I take it you like music?"

I tucked a strand of loose hair behind me ear before replying. "Um, yeah. I mean who doesn't? Music is awesome. If you don't love music you're not a human being. I met this person once, they hated music. I, I, I'm gonna stop my rambling now." My face was now a tomato. Great, just great.

He chuckled slightly, his voice light. "Well what are you working on there?"

I stared at him speechless. He literally met me two minutes ago and now he wants to look at my laptop? To listen to my music mixes? To invade my privacy? In every other situation I would have said no immediately, but something about him made me change my mind, just this one time. Plus, why not take a chance?

Especially if it's with a really cute boy.

"I, um, am into DJing. Or at least that's what I call it. It's usually known as music mixing. I take songs, mash them together and speed them up. So, um, it's probably not any good anyways I mean I am still young I'm turning fourteen so I'm still quite new to this..." I spilled, hoping I was convincing enough that he wouldn't want to hear it.

But of course, someone up there hates me so much that they decided to make him do that exact opposite.

"Oh it can't be that bad. Mind if I listen?" Well the last thing anyone expected me to do was let a complete stranger-a cute one-listen to my mixes. But my aunt had just lectured me about 'living life on the edge'. Before I could really think about it, I quickly shook my head, my grip on the laptop loosening.

He pried it from my hands and offered me a smile while I awkwardly returned.

My twin Sister was in the hospital, I had been ordered to buy myself Starbucks, I completely embarrassed myself in front of a stranger and now that exact same stranger was going to listen to my probably horrible mixes. Could this day get any worse?

A.N Slightly longer chapter for not updating so much:)

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