Chapter 4

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"Why the heck did you not get his number?" My loving Sister yelled. Of course, I expected this but getting scolded, not a good thing to lighten the mood.

" see...I was shy okay?" I murmured under my breath.

"That's not an excuse young lady! If I wasn't on this bed I Yea cry! Do you wanna see your older sister cry?" She retaliated.

"No..." I muttered, guilt laced my voice.

"Good! Now ya see, there's these boys I really like-" I opened my mouth with a smart alec remark in mind but a hand was shoved to my face. "As I was saying, they're names are Max and Harvey. And they're doing a meet up at a shopping mall this week. So, I want you to go there and get them to autograph a few things. Okay?" She said, trying to look as sweet as possible.

"Okay, but how many things?" I questioned.

"Oh, not many. Don't worry!" She said with an innocent smile. I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement.

What could possibly go wrong?
Dear life,
What I said was a question, NOT a challenge!

Well, it turns out that Hestia's definition of 'a few things' is not the same as mine. Or anyone else's.

Let's see, here's a list of what she asked me to ask them to sign:
• A poster
• Her laptop
• Her handmade CD
• Her t-shirt
• Her cap
• Her guitar (which she doesn't even use)
• Her bag
• Her water bottle

If I show up with all those things, I'll look like a crazed fan-girl. A Hestia. But, my evil Sister somehow convinced me to bring them all along. The things I do for my sister.

So here I am, standing in line with my earphones, mixing Panic at the disco! songs. Oh joy.

I looked up for a second to see if the line in front of me had moved. Nope, still 30000 people ahead. Okay, maybe 30000 is exaggerating a little but I would still be here for hours on end.

I breathed a sigh and went back to mixing. This is gonna be a long wait.
50 years later...
Just kidding! Well it sure did feel like I was almost 64.

Finally, after a million years of waiting and waiting, there was only one person ahead of me. And lucky for me, they only had one item. I pity these two celebrities who have to sign so many things.

I stepped up to the front of the line, only to be greeted by a 'friendly' security guard. "Sorry, no more autographs" He said in a deep tone.

"What? No way! No! I-No!" I shoved past the security guard only to see the shock of my life. The cap was unmistakable. The white shirt and black shorts erased any doubt in my mind. I sucked in a breath as I concluded something. My eyes were glued on him as the security guard pushed me back.

Our eyes locked one last time before he was ushered away.

Starbucks boy.

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