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Nothing special happened that night, I fell asleep but woke up near the end of the movie with Sean's arms around me. I didn't really want to move but my phone was ringing, my mother was wondering where I was.

Sean and I said our goodbyes and hugged and now I'm currently laying in my bed at three in the morning, feeling like I'm missing something. A weird feeling in my chest area, didn't know I did feel anymore.

I felt my phone buzz beside me

Jack: hey

Me: Hii

Jack: tonight was fun, we'll have to do it again sometime :-)

Me: yay! :)

Jack: anyway, good night sweetheart ;) haha

Me: haha, goodnight :)

Sweetheart. Sweetheart.

I want to see him. I want to be held by him again. Maybe if I just go to sleep I'll get to see him sooner? Possibly. That's if I can fall to sleep though.

"Good morning" Tyler chimed. "You're surprisingly happy" I spoke softly, due to the fact that this thing called me on the phone at 6 in the morning and my mothers still sleeping and so should I.

"Guess what happened yesterday" "huh" my eyes began to slowly close. "Jenna and I kissed yesterday! I-I told her one of my pickup lines and then we kissed and-" "mhm" I heard a sigh come from the other side of the line.

"Did I wake you up?" "No, it's not like it's 6" "well it's obviously not to early for sarcasm" "it's never to early for sarcasm"

I heard a small chuckle from the other side of the phone. "You and Jenna are cute. When are you going to ask her out?" I attempted to continue the conversation. "I'm thinking about today" you could practically hear this boys smile.

"What about you and Jack?" The line suddenly when quiet. "Jenna told me what happened" I didn't know how to respond, please tell me he didn't say anything to Josh.

"And Josh knows to-" "no no no no" my body felt frozen. Is that why he needed to call me? Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"Who told him? He wasn't suppose to know. Oh no, he's going to hate me" "hey hey hey" Tyler began. "It's okay. He was going to find out at some point" "Tyler I got to go" I spoke quickly before hanging up.

Oh shit oh shit. Fuck!

The only thing I could think of doing, even though he's probably asleep, I texted Jack.

Me: Jack I know you're probably asleep right now but I'm currently freaking out and I don't know what to do and I was wondering if we could possibly get together sometime today I don't care when but I'm really scared and I don't know what to do and I don't want you two to get in a fight and I'm scared

I placed my phone down back on my bed. My stomach hurt. What if they get in a fight today? What if Josh doesn't like me hiding it from him. I didn't even call him oh god.

To my surprise, my phone buzzed me side me. I glanced through the multiple messages Tyler sent me, to find one with the name "Jack :)" above it.

Jack :) : what?

Jack :) : what happened? What's wrong?

Jack :) : my truck is out of the garage. I'll be over in 5 minutes.

I glance out the window to still see that it's dark. Longer nights; I forgot.

I sigh, if imagine that we'd be going to school right after.

I'm scared to go to school. I'm scared to what Josh will do.

Jack :) : I'm here

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