Part 1 of 2

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She was slightly trembling when I picked her up with her head daintily against my chest. She needed me as much as I needed her. That's why whenever something happens I try to get a hand on the situation first, so she doesn't get hurt.
"You're not asleep, are you?" I ask carrying her.
"No." She says smiling, "I'm just resting my eyes."
"Are you tired?" I say.
"Nope." She says when she sat up looking at me, her dark brown eyes innocently curious as she was. I grabbed one of her knees pulling myself closer to her when she watched me. I leaned forward with my hand on top of her right knee that was folded to the side. Her breath hitched as I kissed her lips squeezing her knee. She didn't give in too easily, so I knew I would have to work for it. I went below her chin causing her to slouch back into the wall. Like I said before, I couldn't keep my hands off her. She was breathing heavily as I paused for a few seconds and skipped over her chest going to her vulnerable area. I liked the texture of her black fitted long sleeved top the smoothness soothing to the touch. She softly moaned her face flush. She couldn't breathe as I let my fingers slip into her jeggings and massage small circles on her.
"Michael..." She whispered ecstatic, "I haven't felt like this in a long time..."
"I know." I say as she let me take over for the rest of our time together.
"Switch?" I ask her.
"Yeah." She says shifting uncomfortable.
I shifted over as she moved and I got in the place she was at. She was beginning to open up more to me. She started to show some of her dominance she had before our children came along. I let out a painful breath as I held myself back. I didn't want to hurt her, she didn't need another scar especially from someone who is supposed to protect her and the children from harm. My heart raced as her hands accidentally brushed against me and she caught my reaction. I could see the wheels turning in her head as she put her legs around my waist. I swallowed back the tension in my throat letting my guard down just for her. Playing off the reaction she got from me earlier Aly kissed my neck tenderly, her sweet kisses teasing me, making me need her even more. Her kisses tore off my protective armor when she got like this with me. I had no armor because she stripped it all from me. I groaned softly when she slipped her hands into my pants holding my hips.
"I love you..." I managed to get out before it got harder to breathe. She bit her lip as I lost it. I couldn't stand it any longer.
"Please?" I say softly.
"Yeah." She answers leaning into me.
I let out a relaxed sigh when she shuddered against me.
"It's okay." I whisper, "I won't hurt you."
She gripped my shoulders tightly her fingernails digging into my back when I moved under her and shifted as I went even farther. She panted against me not saying a word, and she didn't have to. I knew what she was feeling and thinking. I couldn't breathe as she got tighter the farther I went. She moaned near my ear. Her cheek was pressed to my neck while I tried to stay composed. She let out a small cry of pleasure startling me. I had no idea how close she was to my ear. She let me embrace her warmly in my arms. She could feel it coming like a bad omen.
"I don't think I can handle it..." She moaned breathlessly as it was so strong it caused her to tremble. I positioned her differently on me and that allowed me to go further and she shrieked softly gripping me tighter everything slowly resolving itself naturally. She breathed against my bare skin as I got hot.
"I can't breathe..." she moaned softly.
I took her breath away.
"It's okay." I groan, "Just take deep breaths."
She moaned even softer as I filled her with me, the only thing between us now was our bodies. I brushed some hair out of her face as she kept up with me. I could feel her fingers digging into my back leaving crescents and small drops of blood falling. I arched my back bringing me closer to her feeling her chest rise and fall with every breath. She was smiling, her dimples showing.
"I missed you soo much..." She cried softly.
"I missed us." I gasped as the air suddenly got heavy making it even harder to breathe.
She whimpered softly close to my ear as I felt her sticky cheek against my neck. I held her close to my heart because she was the first person I loved. I had no idea if I could or was even capable of love. I groaned softly as she teased me with her hands.
"Oh my god..." I say softly, "I haven't had it this bad before..."
She didn't stop there. I needed a release, something to satisfy my human urge, but also something that I couldn't entirely satisfy with just anyone, it had to be someone special to me. It had to be Aly. She only knew how to tease me in a way that left me satisfied, but also wanting more of her and made my archangel half want it in ways I didn't know were possible between myself and her. It came on strong making me feel like I was being torn apart as she moaned even louder. My archangel side was dying to try it as the pain got even more beautiful. I closed my eyes only to hear her following me. And the sounds she made were getting even more intense when she heaved against me her chest rapidly rising and falling now. It felt so beautiful like we were flying on a cloud as it took over. I heard her moaning more as cold tears hit my warm skin. She tightened her grip on me even more as her cries of pain ate at me when it didn't stop. She hoarsely let out a cry of pleasure muffled by my neck. We quit. I let her stay leaning into me as I looked her over and saw a few bruises and scratches already forming in places that could be covered easily. She trembled in my arms.
"Aly babe?" I say looking at her curled up against my chest, "Aly?"
She looked up at me as I rubbed the back of her neck.
"If I hurt you, I didn't intend to." I say tenderly.
She nodded wiping her face with the top of her hand.
"I'm sorry.." She said so low I had to crane my neck to hear her, "I shouldn't have egged you on like that Michael."
"It's okay." I say, "You helped relieve some tension I had."
"I didn't intend on taking it so far that this happened." She said.
"I understand." I say smiling brushing hair back out of her face, "I'll just remember that next time."
As we kissed I noticed Aly wasn't shaking anymore. I kissed back deeply and cupped her cheeks.
"I still love you, though." She said half smiling.
"I love you too." I say when I laid down with her head snuggled under my chin.

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