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"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
―Ernest Hemingway.

Sadly, I don't own a typewriter, but I do own a computer with (not Microsoft, I'm poor) but a (free) word processing program! I absolutely love that quote, and it's one I plan to get tattooed on my face when I'm eighteen.


But seriously, Ernest Hemingway is absolutely correct; there is absolutely nothing to writing. Writing can be defined as putting one's thoughts and ideas down on paper (or typed on a computer/typewriter/whatever). Anyone can write, right? Yes! There are many forms of writing, but novel writing is what we are focusing.
A lot of people, including myself, find it hard to write, sometimes. We might have an idea of what we want to write, but sometimes we just don't know how to write it. Whether you don't know how to start your story, or you're stuck at some point, it sucks!

Or maybe you're just someone looking to improve your writing skills.

This guide is here to help you:

1. Learn how to get started,
2. Improve on your writing/grammar/editing skills,
3. Find yourself and your technique.

I get that a lot of people aspire to be like these amazing authors that write amazing books and are extremely successful―who wouldn't want to have a few best sellers and have people admire you for your amazing writing? Hm? That's something I've wished for ever since I was eleven and found out that I had the potential to be an author someday.

But it isn't just about being famous. Writing takes work, especially if you want to be good. There are a lot of amazing authors on Wattpad, some who get the recognition they deserve, and some who are still growing in that department. Popularity, at this point, shouldn't matter. Improving your writing, along with yourself, is most important.

So, I'll try to be as detailed as possible, without droning on and boring you. There won't be any "HOW TO BE A FAMOUS WRITER tips in here, because there are no tips on how to be a "famous writer". There are a lot of "famous" authors that don't even write their books! *cough cough* YTers *cough cough*.

Please feel free to ask me questions via the comment section, or my:

twitter; @smolrosie; smolrose
kik; smolrosie

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