current mental state & kpop

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Oh fuck I've done it again. Complaining on the interwebs cause no one in real life values my completely correct and amazing opinions.

But in complete honesty, since school is coming to an end I feel as if my friends are all trying to run away from school and for the most part I don't blame them. School is the cause of all my problems and all my anxiety an stress. I hate school but I'm so good at it. And not just with my straight A's but I'm good at being social at school which is great at sometimes but hell at other times.

An example for those who don't understand what the fuck I'm talking about is that yesterday at the end of the long day in hell AKA the public school, I was getting ready to take a audio test for my Spanish class (which I'm pretty sure I did horrible at) but anyways when we were getting our computers and shit ready. I was very silent which is unusual for me, the practical class clown. I don't know I just wasn't feeling it. Everyone always askes me what's wrong and what am I supposed to tell them when nothing is wrong? I just feel numb. It's called having a depressive disorder or so my therapist says. People around me asked me what was wrong even the fucking teacher asked me. Like damn am I really that emo?

But I'm just feeling as if my friends are just over taking my shit and talking to me which is great!!1!1!11!1!1!1!11!11!!1!1!1111!!!!! *sarcasm*

But right now imma stop bein a depressed lil fuck and talk about something I love soy much. Take a wild guess. KPOP BITCHHHHH. I LIVE FOR KPOP OK. Kpop just makes me happy and fuckkkkkk I need more friends who like kpop. I got my friend Kenzie into it and my sister into it and we all freak out over it so that's amazing. If anyone who's reading this (even tho I'm pretty sure no one is) if you like Kpop, hmu!

-Red outttttt ❤️💛💚💙💜

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