Sometimes Friends Suck

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Damn, Red! Another book complaining about your friends? Yup.

I just wanna start out saying that I love my friends. I really do. I'm only here because of my friends. They've always been there to support and care for me. TBH I don't really deserve them. But when those friends don't even acknowledge my existence they kind of suck.

My day started out as any other day, I woke up dreading another day in hell, also known as the public school got dressed and then headed over to hell. It was around lunch time that it started. My friends have other friends that sit over at another table right behind us so of course they went over there to chat. I know that I'm welcome over there but there's just one small problem. My EX girlfriend sits over there too. And let me add, she hates my guts. So I'm not feeling too welcome at that point. But luckily for me, she wasn't over there at the time so I walked over to talk to my friends who were talking to this boy, Tim (not actual name) they keep asking him who he liked and stuff so I just sat there for a bit not knowing what to do. Then they found out the girls name left and I followed them.

We went back to our table only for them to leave again. I followed of course. Then it was made pretty clear that I was unwanted so I left to talk to my best friend who doesn't sit at our table. I went over to her, Grace, and chatted with her a bit. Then I went back over to my table and sat alone while my two other friends, Nat and Kae, talked to Tim. I was sitting there for a few minutes all alone. That was when I decided to go to the media room.

When I was leaving I noticed that they had started talking to my EX . And I just left, like that. I got up and left. They wouldn't even talk to me for a solid 5 minutes but they can talk to my ex for most of lunch.

I went up to the media center and talked to the librarian, who had commented on the book I was reading. Then I sat down and read. Maybe 15 minutes later I can hear Nat and Jake walking through the media center to get to Jakes next class. Jake has a cast which means he has to ride on the elevator to get up and down the two-story building. I was quite deep in my book, so when I heard Jake call my name I looked up. Nat instantly commented saying, "Oh I didn't even know you were up here." Then I decided to leave the media center.

I really love my friends but when they do that and I know it wasn't on purpose, but it really hurts me. I'm so grateful that I have Grace as my best friend. She said she was looking for me in the cafeteria and even asked Nat and Kae where I was. And she talked and asked me how I felt. I feel like she truly cares about me. I love her so much and I'm so happy that she's my best friend.

I wanna end this rant off saying that yeah friends are great, but sometimes they do suck. It's just a part of life I guess.

-Red OUT! ❤️💛💚💙💜

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